Don Juan
ive been dating this girl for some 2 and half years. we met in high school i being a freshmen and her being a senior.
now she some 2 and half hours away at college and im the senior and she college junior. she always had this friend whos your typical afc.
recently she been telling me that she been having feelings for this fella and shes been trying to fight it but cant. so i told her go for it.
this fellas got absolutly nothing going for him expect for one thing... hes so f*ckiing nice. my girl says im so much better looking, funnier, etc.
she also acknowledges that i too treat her good but not as good as he. she says she just wants to be happy.
so i like i says i told her to hop to it. she still wants to talk nightly on the tele. and shes coming back in two weeks to her decesion.
she says she just got to know. she has to try it before we can procced.
my question is this how do i handle the coming two weeks with her and the weekend when she gets back...hmmn?
now she some 2 and half hours away at college and im the senior and she college junior. she always had this friend whos your typical afc.
recently she been telling me that she been having feelings for this fella and shes been trying to fight it but cant. so i told her go for it.
this fellas got absolutly nothing going for him expect for one thing... hes so f*ckiing nice. my girl says im so much better looking, funnier, etc.
she also acknowledges that i too treat her good but not as good as he. she says she just wants to be happy.
so i like i says i told her to hop to it. she still wants to talk nightly on the tele. and shes coming back in two weeks to her decesion.
she says she just got to know. she has to try it before we can procced.
my question is this how do i handle the coming two weeks with her and the weekend when she gets back...hmmn?