she's done a cancel on me...


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
Reaction score
i didnt wake up with the feeling that we would meet for sure just incase this would happen. i took it alright. she called me about lunch time and said she got called in for work (its sat here).

me: i thought you didnt have work on sat?
her: me too. they needed someone and called me... i really wanted to meet you... im sorryy.
me: that's fine. we can do it another time. what are you doing tomorrow?
her: umm i have my brothers bday party. umm wait, i think... i gotta pick him up (blah blah she was tryin to see if she could meet me i think)
me: dont worry about it. no problem.. we'll do it next week or something okay?
her: okay... i will call you later to talk okay? *kiss sound* mwa! - bye hun!
me: okay talk later.

- so yeah. that's that. i won't ask again to meet. it's up to her to make up for her fuk up.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
Forget her. Don't fall for it. She got another offer and is banging someone else.

You met her on the internet right?


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
Reaction score
you don't know that. why would she waste her time on me if she was banging someone else. calling me 5 times a day. calling me all these lovey dovey things.

i've heard alot of replies from this site for years and many people who told me something was wrong. don't be so sure of the things you say. if she cancels again the next time.. its simple. i'm going to just forget about her. but im giving her a second chance. its not her fault if her works calls her in?


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Someone made a better offer to her than you did. Now as you're reading these replies she's gagging on another man's penis.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
Someone made a better offer to her than you did. Now as you're reading these replies she's gagging on another man's penis.
That is so unfair guys. I've read some of the posts about him and this date. She sounds like she really likes him. And if it's true that she got called in for work. That is not her fault. Like he said, why would any girl in her right mind keep calling a guy everyday and calling him hunni or babe or darling if they weren't serious about it? He even said he tried going online last night as some random and tried chatting her up and she blew him off. So she's not a s|ut.

That is my input on the situation. Good luck tony, I'm sure you will meet her very soon and something good will come of it. Don't listen to these ignorant asses. Unlike them I've been keeping up to date with your situation.


May 30, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe she's just busy. I would call her, not let her call me, if she cancels again. It's over. C' est la vie.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
Reaction score
she's called twice today after that. the last call was about 5 minutes ago. just to check up on me. i have only called her once btw. out of the ten times shes called or so.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
chance- said:
That is so unfair guys. I've read some of the posts about him and this date. She sounds like she really likes him. And if it's true that she got called in for work. That is not her fault. Like he said, why would any girl in her right mind keep calling a guy everyday and calling him hunni or babe or darling if they weren't serious about it? He even said he tried going online last night as some random and tried chatting her up and she blew him off. So she's not a s|ut.

That is my input on the situation. Good luck tony, I'm sure you will meet her very soon and something good will come of it. Don't listen to these ignorant asses. Unlike them I've been keeping up to date with your situation.
He went online and tried to stalk her under a different account?

Someone who had the right frame would never do this.

Maybe she does like him, but if he keeps doing creepy/ desperate as$ sh1t like that she will definitely ditch him for another guy.

To OP: call her another time and if she declines and doesn't give a counter-offer than move on...


Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
ok, she calls you 5 times a day, shows affection and calls you babe. so what the fvck is the problem then?
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
tony-montana said:
you don't know that. why would she waste her time on me if she was banging someone else. calling me 5 times a day. calling me all these lovey dovey things.

You don't know the game. I've been seeing a girl for 2 months and she called me every night. She called me tonight from some bar drunk saying she wanted to be with me. She said she would call me back in 10 min. She never called. I bet she ****ed another guy tonight.

Dont tolerate this stuff man.

Son of anarchy

Don Juan
Jun 14, 2009
Reaction score
The best i feel to suggest you is just to think before do anything,dont listen at those here thay say that she is fvcking a football team istead of dating you,and dont listen also at those who saying its for sure fine with her.
Just observe,elaborate with the information you have that we dont and keep in mind what you learned here to decide what to do,and then do it till the end.
I would suggest you to keep in mind the "two times rule" or what the name is,i dont remember it now,if somebody can correct me please. :)


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
Vlad the Impaler said:
You don't know the game. I've been seeing a girl for 2 months and she called me every night. She called me tonight from some bar drunk saying she wanted to be with me. She said she would call me back in 10 min. She never called. I bet she ****ed another guy tonight.

Dont tolerate this stuff man.
Umm, bro. I think the girl tony is talking to doesn't call him when shes drunk.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
Son of anarchy said:
The best i feel to suggest you is just to think before do anything,dont listen at those here thay say that she is fvcking a football team istead of dating you,and dont listen also at those who saying its for sure fine with her.
Just observe,elaborate with the information you have that we dont and keep in mind what you learned here to decide what to do,and then do it till the end.
I would suggest you to keep in mind the "two times rule" or what the name is,i dont remember it now,if somebody can correct me please. :)
Amen. This is the only good post I have seen here. He did state in the first post that he would give her one last chance. That's fair. After all, she probably really IS working. Not her fault.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score
Is she probably working? Sure, its possible. Does that mean he is in the clear? Not at all.

I read EVERYTHING he posted, and a few things stood out:

1) You said she calls you "babe," calls you a lot, and talks about massages, hugs, and kisses. Is this a sign she is interested? Sure. Is it also another sign you could either have been majorly "friend-zoned" or played by an attention *****? You bet. I had a girl once who loved to hug and kiss me, but that was it. She even called me by a pet name, and jokingly told people I was her boyfriend. The most I ever got out of that girl before I finally wised up was head when she was drunk once. She admitted years later when we ran into each other that she just liked the way I made her feel, the attention I gave her, but she couldn't tell me she just wanted to be friends.

2) The "sending her messages on another account" to test her thing, and some of the ways you carried the convos on just REEKED of desperation. If this girl is on her game, I think she has started to smell that a mile away.

3) Your friend's convo that you provided was another major red-flag. That guy is NO friend of yours, no matter how much he may play things off, he was trying to steal your girl. While she may not have seemed that receptive in THAT convo you found, that doesn't mean they haven't talked since, especially since you said she has asked him before if you found her attractive, etc. I am sorry man, but it is VERY possible these two have been gaming you behind your back and she is going after your friend rather then you.

4) She seems to be either a bit on the crazy/desperate side, or an attention *****. You pushed a little hard with some things, not too far, but if she is slightly off she may have flaked because of this.

To summarize, 5% of me wants to say she really did get called in for work and didn't want to flake on you- knowing what she does for a living would help with the judgment because some jobs simply DON'T work on Saturday's, period. The other 95% wants to say you got played by a major and desperate attention *****, and may already be borderline close or in the friendzone before you have even met her. Because I am nice, I am rooting for the 5% to come true. Good luck man, I am pulling for you :up:


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
tony-montana said:
she's called twice today after that. the last call was about 5 minutes ago. just to check up on me. i have only called her once btw. out of the ten times shes called or so.
I'd "next" her for this very reason: "the last call was about 5 minutes ago. just to check up on me".

Check up on you?! Get the fvck outa here with that behaviour. Thats as bad, if not worse, than her not calling at all.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Zunder said:
I'd "next" her for this very reason: "the last call was about 5 minutes ago. just to check up on me".

Check up on you?! Get the fvck outa here with that behaviour. Thats as bad, if not worse, than her not calling at all.

This girl cancelled on you. Well,when she told you she couldn't make it, did she suggest another time to get together?

And what's with her calling you after she cancelled the date to "see how you are"? What is that?

Something's wrong here.

She calls you all the time,has all these "pet/lovey-dovey" names for you,talks about hugs and massages. She does ALL THAT,but when it comes time for you two to actually meet up,she flakes.

I'm calling AW on her. It is possible that she does have some interest in you,but in my opinion,the date scared her. The coming over to your house is too much to ask of a complete stranger. The thing I said in your other thread about meeting her in a public place is good to do. Meet up somewhere,walk,talk,get used to being with each other in person instead of just over the phone or the internet. Bringing her back to you place on a first date,especially when you two have never met in person was a foolish idea.

I agree with Zunder. To me,her calling you after she cancelled on you to see if you were ok was condescending. I don't think she called to see how you were,I think she called to make sure that she still had a source of male attention at her desposable. She was probably thinking that she made you mad,so she call to check and see it she still had you on the hook.

I think she's going to continue to dangle the "carrot" of a possible date in front of you as long as she can without actually meet up with you.
This way,she'll still get her ego stroked by having you (a stranger) hung up on wanting to see her. Makes her feel desired,wanted. She doesn't have to go on a date to get these feelings,all she has to do is listen to you contining to ask her out.

It's a pretty good deal on her part.

Well,you said you plan on still trying to see her.

Good luck man.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
I have dear tony on my msn. He cannot post anymore as he has reached his limit. So he wrote me this to reply:

she didn't literally call me and say HOW ARE YOU? she meant like how's things what are you doing today... talking to me while she was at work. and i did not say i was going straight to my house. we were going to meet at a shopping center and hang out a bit. and what you said might be true. maybe she is just calling me cause shes lonely or something and just wants attention and i give her that. she is sucking me in .. yep. its hard when they say it like they mean it.

i still cant accuse her of this though. no one knows. i actually just got off the phone to her about five minutes ago. she was in bed and doing the whole babe/darl thing again. we were talking about when we meet that she wants a hug and a kiss. she said she likes kissing alot. saying things like would you let me fall asleep on you. she was saying i dont have any friends who kiss me on the lips. and i said, well now you do.

however she did say why didnt you go out today... i said there wasnt really much to do. i dont go clubbing anymore i told her. she said i should cause im young. and she asked when are you gonna get a girlfriend? i said i dont know when it happens it happens. - that kinda felt like i was in a friendzone. im starting to maybe realise she just either wants me for attention or a casual fuk perhaps.

im not harrassing her or nothing .. shes the one calling me and texting me all the time saying how adorable i am. i never reply. i just answer her calls... talk to her. no harm done. but i get fed up with sh!t like this easy. so if she does NOT arrange a date with me by next weekend. i will NOT continue this bullsh!t... no matter how AFC i might seem. you mark my words fellas. i ain't a 100% sucker. shes got me for now. and im actually enjoying our talks on the phone. but she's gonna lose me by next weekend. you'll see.

if she's really doing all this for kicks... SHAME ON HER. VERY CRUEL.


And that's his message. I really feel sorry for this guy. He seems like a really nice person. Doesn't deserve this from a female. Let's hope she's the real deal guys! I'm crossing my fingers for you tony.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
Oh yeah and he said she was the one who actually said the first time that she would drive to come see him. About an hours drive. He never said he would go and see her. She keeps telling him that she wished she met him but instead she had to work.
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
chance- said:
And that's his message. I really feel sorry for this guy. He seems like a really nice person. Doesn't deserve this from a female.

We're all "nice persons".... also known as "nice guys"... That's the problem!


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
You 'd never understand a woman's true motives unless you know her history.

If this happens alot then obviously she is bullsh1tting you but if its the first time this happened or it doesn't happen often, then chalk it up to an anomaly and call her again another time.

After all she isn't your girlfriend, so as long as she is hot and ready for you then that's all you need to look for at this point.