Shes acting weird once more...


Apr 25, 2016
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And on top of that, once they have the new guy lined up, they have the audacity to hit you with the "I just want to be single for a while" line.

How do women live with themselves? I mean how do they literally get up every morning and look at themselves in the mirror? I mean Christ almighty have a SHRED of integrity.
I had my ex fiance hit me with a similar line.

After 6 months she reached out to me. My response:

"I am rather enjoying this single life. Hope life is treating you equally as good ;)"


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
I had my ex fiance hit me with a similar line.

After 6 months she reached out to me. My response:

"I am rather enjoying this single life. Hope life is treating you equally as good ;)"
BOOM. Mic Drop. +1


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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And you are very right, again. In my last relationship, now that I look back at it sometimes, there were quite a few moments when I felt like "something's not right here", but I kept on pushing with the hope she would change. I kept on asking her for us to have a trip and all kinds of excuses would come up, you know... I tolerated that for about 5-6 months and then the night I could not hold it anymore and exploded in yelling her, she said she needed space. I should have changed my behaviour a long time ago, I guess. I kept on asking her about it, she kinda flaked and everything went back to "normal"
That **** is annoying as hell. The decision to leave was more or less made those 6 months earlier but she didnt have the courage to leave without making sure backups, contingencies, and emotional detachment was in the cost of your happiness and mental health for 6 months. Its pure selfishness.
And on top of that, once they have the new guy lined up, they have the audacity to hit you with the "I just want to be single for a while" line.

How do women live with themselves? I mean how do they literally get up every morning and look at themselves in the mirror? I mean Christ almighty have a SHRED of integrity.
So funny that we all went through the exact same scenario, in completely different worlds with completely different women. Anyone see the common denominator here?

Mine got distant at the 3 month mark and I should have ended it then. Instead, she had me convinced I was smothering her (we basically only hung out every other weekend, and occasionally got lunch together). We labored through the next 4 months, then she got really distant when she found the backup plan... She even had the audacity to setup this very nice dinner to meet her parents 1 month before ending it... That last month was absolute torture for me... Just met the parents, but then the texting was less, the calling was less, and I was "too available"... I was at a complete loss of what to do...

And why did she want to break up? "I just want to be single"... the better part was the "I have really only been single for two years before we started dating"... That is when I knew she was completely BSing me...

To add...
-women don't have to have integrity, that is a masculine trait
-women often don't leave until they have a backup plan
-they are selfish and will use you to meet her ends

Red Legg

Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2016
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So funny that we all went through the exact same scenario, in completely different worlds with completely different women. Anyone see the common denominator here?

Mine got distant at the 3 month mark and I should have ended it then. Instead, she had me convinced I was smothering her (we basically only hung out every other weekend, and occasionally got lunch together). We labored through the next 4 months, then she got really distant when she found the backup plan... She even had the audacity to setup this very nice dinner to meet her parents 1 month before ending it... That last month was absolute torture for me... Just met the parents, but then the texting was less, the calling was less, and I was "too available"... I was at a complete loss of what to do...

And why did she want to break up? "I just want to be single"... the better part was the "I have really only been single for two years before we started dating"... That is when I knew she was completely BSing me...

To add...
-women don't have to have integrity, that is a masculine trait
-women often don't leave until they have a backup plangot
-they are selfish and will use you to meet her ends
You could have became needy without noticing diligent.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
-women don't have to have integrity, that is a masculine trait
-women often don't leave until they have a backup plan
-they are selfish and will use you to meet her ends
^I think the key to all of this is to completely get rid of any expectations that women are anything other than what you wrote above. Positive thinking does no good here. Freedom comes from understanding what women are and finding success in that world and refusing to ever go back to the blue pill one.You'll never have to worry about getting hit hard if your expectations are realistic and in the right place.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Been two and a half years, it hurts but i'm wiser now then I was when I got in to this relationship. You win or you learn and I definitely learnt a tonne about myself as a man.

We haven't officially broken up but I can see it coming, maybe.

So shes stopped texting and calling in the evening. I don't really care about the phone call as much but I know that its not normal behavior. I called her out on it (like a tard) and of course she had the usual excuses. Knowing the game, I know that she will NEVER tell the truth and I was just a fool for even calling her out on it.

Its not the first time though, its happened before. A few months back. She totally went silent on my ass for 2 days. I called her out on it then and realized how weak I looked. So I decided to tell her that we should go on a 3 week no contact, as im really busy (bullchit). This worked, after 3 weeks she was all over me and has been since.

But now once again she has done a u turn like she gives no chits.

Whats even more absurd is that she still wants to see me this weekend.She may bail out but she still seems adamant on it.

Shes done this about 3 times in our relationship period. Where she don't give a chit at all. However both times, Ive told her that we need to take a month break and not talk. Seemed like it worked then.

I just feel that either shes going through a batch of low interest or shes just batchit crazy has weird moments OR shes genuinely not interested anymore.

My plan is (if she doesnt bail out on the meet up) is to see her, phuck her and literally leave straight after. Normally, we spend the whole day but in this instance I don't want to. I feel like Ill just go silent on her ass for a few weeks too.

That's my situation.
How about you bail on the meeting. Next her and go date other women.

Guys when they act like this is is ok to kick them to the curb.

Never lose sleep over a bad behaving woman.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2017
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She just called me. I picked only so to make it out like I was cool and didnt mention anything about her behavior. I ended it quick though. Shes making me a cake tomorrow lol. So i really dont think shes meeting to tell me that. She wants to talk and clear things out but im not going to want to listen. Just gna bang, eat the cake take the watch (shes brought me one) and then leave. Then just go missing.
It seems that you are going to act like a jerk for a purpose (i mean to impress the woman), it doesn't work that way.
Act through your own intentions, man. Don't be a jerk just to let somebody know you are "cool", it's pathetic.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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And on top of that, once they have the new guy lined up, they have the audacity to hit you with the "I just want to be single for a while" line.

How do women live with themselves? I mean how do they literally get up every morning and look at themselves in the mirror? I mean Christ almighty have a SHRED of integrity.
They don't need integrity when thirsty guys are always begging them for a drink.

Women will only develope integrity when men become scarce.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
So funny that we all went through the exact same scenario, in completely different worlds with completely different women. Anyone see the common denominator here?

Mine got distant at the 3 month mark and I should have ended it then. Instead, she had me convinced I was smothering her (we basically only hung out every other weekend, and occasionally got lunch together). We labored through the next 4 months, then she got really distant when she found the backup plan... She even had the audacity to setup this very nice dinner to meet her parents 1 month before ending it... That last month was absolute torture for me... Just met the parents, but then the texting was less, the calling was less, and I was "too available"... I was at a complete loss of what to do...

And why did she want to break up? "I just want to be single"... the better part was the "I have really only been single for two years before we started dating"... That is when I knew she was completely BSing me...

To add...
-women don't have to have integrity, that is a masculine trait
-women often don't leave until they have a backup plan
-they are selfish and will use you to meet her ends
I think it helps to just understand that they did not want us anymore at that time. I don't think it is of any good use to think "oh, she has my replacement lined up". You cannot know that. Yes, there are guys who are always after her, but I think women are human beings as well and they cannot simply jump from one deep and strong relationship to another one. They might rebound, but they learn fast that is not the way to go LOL. The only thing that bothered my mind and heart back in October is how unwilling she was to sit down just once and go through her worries about me/the relationship, like adults, just talk about it and see if we can sort something out. Like, she was unwilling and probably so because as some guys here said, she kinda knew what was gonna happen 4-5 months ago and then did not come to the "meeting" with the willingness to negotiate, but rather terminate the "contract". It is amazing how they can strike you out, the same guy that she ran into his arms and just hugged him tight, just a couple of hours ago... amazing. It took me about 3-4 months to start disliking the idea of having sex with her again. Now I am at a point where if she came, I would not have sex with her. It just doesn't make a nice scene in my mind now


Apr 25, 2016
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Just remember that failure is not a person, yet an event.

If you get cheated on, realize that you dodged a bullet and are better off without her even though it can sting for a while when it happens.