I had a close relationship with a girl I liked. We weren't exclusive, but we were close. "Good friends" as she put it. To make a long story short, I became needy and clingy and it started to increasingly turn her off. Of course, I didn't realize my behavior until it was too late. She was becoming cold and distant. Until I pursued one final time through text and she pretty much dumped me/blew me off, in July. In the breakup text-exchange we had where I was being needy and acting like a beta, she acknowledged how we were "good friends" as she put it, and basically told me that how I was acting in that moment was turning her off more (thats essentially what she was saying). I mustered the strength not to contact her ever since. We're still friends on facebook/instagram. We dont talk, but we can see eachothers pictures/statuses obviously. Her birthday was in September, and I had the strength not to reach out. My birthday was a few days ago and she messaged me happy birthday, after 6 months of not speaking. I just think it's unnatural for somebody to wish somebody else a happy birthday when they've been on non-speaking terms for several months (and I ignored her birthday.) Of course, there's the possibility she's "just being nice" but what's really the point of "being nice" when she pushed me away and we havent even spoken for several months? What kind of behavior is this? Is she dipping her toe in the water?