She wants me. I want her. But this isn't your average love affair.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2011
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
You dont see it as a defect because you don't value your own reputation and self-respect/self-restraint over ONE piece of pvssy. If that isnt AFC, what is?
Reputation is not a factor because nobody will know about it except her and I. This has nothing to do with self-respect; I respect myself to know that our mutual attraction is a purely natural phenomenon and no socially-conditioned, self-righteous school of thought is going to keep from thinking that way. Self-restraint, sure, but I get pleasure from it, she gets pleasure from it, and nobody is hurt in the process, so what is there really to restrain? Besides, even if she is in a relationship, I know her boyfriend is an ecstasy/counterfeit money dealer, so he's NOT that good of a guy to begin with. Maybe this is the pot calling the kettle black, but whatever.

Yeah, maybe it's one piece of pvssy. But I'm desperate and inexperienced with girls so I don't really give a sh**. Call it AFC if you will, but ultimately I stick by the philosophy "Do what I want, when I want." There's nothing AFC about that attitude, if you ask me.

Besides, let's get back to the original question. Everybody has been giving their two cents on incest without actually addressing the original proposition, which is: How can I isolate her? Any help would be appreciated.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2011
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Wildebeest said:
But mate, you are not fighting against informed and open minded individuals like myself. You will be fighting against hordes of people who believe it is wrong, based on cultural and social programming. You will be fighting against your family, most of whom will never be as understanding.
EXACTLY my point. Cousin marriages are more common than one normally believes. For example, they are not only accepted but even encouraged within some Jewish Orthodox communities throughout Canada. I guess it must be based on the idea that "blood is thicker than water."

Kool4Katz said:
Not just freaky but lame as hell. One-itis for the only girl you've probably even touched hand to hand. You are obsessing enough to warrant telling you to back away even if it were with an unrelated girl. You need some help and I say that as an honest assessment.
The only girl I've ever touched hand-to-hand? If you actually took the time and effort to read through my original post, I even mention taking another girl by the hand. Ironically enough, THAT girl was my original one-itis but I also have feelings for my cousin, too. In that sense, NEITHER of these examples are cases of one-itis, by definition. At least read the f***in post before throwing such insults at me. And as to your "honest assessment", what kind of help do you suggest?


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Either close buddies advice or professional therapy. Your attitude is not AFC it's the attitude a lot of murderers have or let's say Hitler... Get a reality check. You are not going to **** your whole family and yourself up by trying to bang your own cousin. Billions of other fish in the sea. Give it up an get your head checked bro.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
when i was what... 13 years old i had a thing for my 11 year old cousin. she was pretty cute. we were home along one day and one thing ed to another and wended up making out.

to this day, i still can't /look at her / get uncomfortable around her and her with me. she was like my sister before that day. even to this day like, she has a 2 year old son and like my mom will be lke why don't-you call your cousin and she will be like i will and won't even and i do the same. we just avboid each other. which is a shame because she's a good girl and nothign wrong with her., she just my aunt's Daugher

this OP is seriously like.. one of the worst 5 post i have read in my decade here on this forum. this is sad ****.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
this OP is seriously like.. one of the worst 5 post i have read in my decade here on this forum. this is sad ****.
It is REAL bad and I dont think OP recognizes it... I mean at least he sought forum advice? I dont know.

OP - if you're out there - quit being crazy desperate and deluded. THink things through. You will deeply hurt many people's lives.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2011
Reaction score
Kool4Katz said:
Either close buddies advice or professional therapy. Your attitude is not AFC it's the attitude a lot of murderers have or let's say Hitler... Get a reality check. You are not going to **** your whole family and yourself up by trying to bang your own cousin. Billions of other fish in the sea. Give it up an get your head checked bro.
I don't even... Attitude of "murderers" or "Hitler"? Sounds like some form of Godwin's law to me. And then you say I'm not going to f*** anything up by doing this, even though i've adopted a murderer's philosophy? Honestly, you make no sense. I don't follow.

backbreaker said:
when i was what... 13 years old i had a thing for my 11 year old cousin. she was pretty cute. we were home along one day and one thing ed to another and wended up making out.

to this day, i still can't /look at her / get uncomfortable around her and her with me. she was like my sister before that day. even to this day like, she has a 2 year old son and like my mom will be lke why don't-you call your cousin and she will be like i will and won't even and i do the same. we just avboid each other. which is a shame because she's a good girl and nothign wrong with her., she just my aunt's Daugher

this OP is seriously like.. one of the worst 5 post i have read in my decade here on this forum. this is sad ****.
I am sorry to hear that. I have heard stories of cousins' hooking up and actually STRENGTHENING their bonds rather than destroying them. You never know what may happen. I have decided, though, that I WILL take this risk eventually. Honestly, those looks she gives me sometimes...

I will be honest though. Backbreaker, you remind of something that happened in the past between me and her. This is the type of stuff I NEVER tell anyone, but since I'm (somewhat) anonymous on the internet, I will. When I was about 14 and she was 12, we were playing around and I showed her my d***. I could tell she enjoyed the experienced, touching it and stuff. We never really spoke of that incident again... Things were never awkward between us after that; in fact, her lust for me may even stem, to some extent, from that experience.


If incest floats of your boat then take that boat out to sea, though I have to confess to feeling repulsed by such behaviour.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
"I know you want me. You know I want cha."

Desperation drives a man to try to do (pun intended) weird things.

You say that word wouldn't get out. Are you a 100% sure? What happens if the cousin decides to open her big mouth (other than for a good BJ)? Would be you willing and able to live with the consequences, as in more than likely being ostracized by your family?

Dude, get out there, learn, improve. You'll start seeing that other girls are just as attractive (if not more) than your cuz...


San Jose California said:
Stfu all of you. The thread creator obviously knows what he's doing, and he's decided to gather his balls and go for it. What a bunch of fucking retards you all are, thinking you're all smarter than him and shit, stfu.
Where have I said "I am smarter than you" to Mr Jibbles?

I happen to think dating a blood relative is disgusting, it's the type of behaviour you'd expect to find in Afghanistan or Pakistan, two of the more backward countries in the world.

If inbreeding is Mr Jibbles cup of tea, who am I to argue? I just happen to think trying to have sex with family member is disturbing behaviour, but Mr Jibbles isn't hurting anyone (except his family), so more power to him.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
perseverance said:
it's the type of behaviour you'd expect to find in Afghanistan or Pakistan, two of the more backward countries in the world.
And let's not forget America.:crackup:


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
MrJibbles said:
In a word, no, I am not 100% sure that word would get out. But I see this as a calculated risk worth taking. And she has more to lose than I do. I am single. She is not. I'm willing to bet she's smart enough to not go around telling people "Hey, I cheated on my boyfriend with a family member!". As to myself, I plan to tell NO ONE. I'm assuming the that potential for her to let herself be known as an unfaithful "sl**" (I do not see her in this way, but other close-minded, judgmental people would) should act as a pretty strong buffer from her going around telling people about it. She and I both know that keeping it secret is in our best interest. She is not stupid.
Okay, you do what you need to do. Personally, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't trust a female with keeping such an important secret. Remember, women are emotional creatures.

What happens if she gets pissed off and gets a crazy-streak or something and word gets out?

"Jibbles seduced me! I didn't wanna do it!"
"Oh you poor thing! Jibbles, you're a horrible monster!!"
Like I've said before, you're the master of your own destiny. Good luck to you, man.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2012
Reaction score
vatoloco said:
Okay, you do what you need to do. Personally, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't trust a female with keeping such an important secret. Remember, women are emotional creatures.

What happens if she gets pissed off and gets a crazy-streak or something and word gets out?

"Jibbles seduced me! I didn't wanna do it!"
"Oh you poor thing! Jibbles, you're a horrible monster!!"
Like I've said before, you're the master of your own destiny. Good luck to you, man.
OP is not asking if its right or wrong to **** his cousin, he wants us to help him find a way to get this girl alone so he can get his groove on. Since he is not willing to listen to sound advice on this board i say do as you wish but be prepared to face the inevitable ****storm that will arise from this. if you're willing to embroil yourself in a lifetime of family drama just for 10minutes of getting your **** wet then be my guest

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
"If you can't keep it in your pants. Keep it in the family." This thread sounds like some hillbilly trailer trollish ish. Good stuff.


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
I use to make out with my cousin in the closet when I was 10. No body knows. I felt weird about it ever since. Don't do it.

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
If you guys really believe that a person would SERIOUSLY come onto this site and ask for advice on gaming his cousin, then I need to start spending less time in this place.

/troll thread
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