Last night I hooked up with a girl who I've seen for 2 dates. She convinced me to stay round hers last night and things really went well, up all night giving it to her :woo:
Tonight she sent me a txt asking if we were "friends with benefits or something else?"
Last night we agreed, after not using protection that she should take the morning after for precaution, though I was so nervous I managed to stay hard for hours but not come.
So I picked her up today and we got it, then had a coffee. I was keeping it fun and bought her some ginger to help with the pill reaction.
She seems to respect me and compliments me a lot. I try to either say thanks or be C&F about it.
Anyway, she txted me tonight thanking me for coming with her to get the pill etc... and how she "wondered how I feel" and "friends or something else"?
I like her and want to take things slowly, but what should I say?
I'd like to say "something more" but as a challenge I don't want her to know this.
Also last night in the club,
I meant it to be a joke but I blurted out..."thats why Im going out with you, just because you're a musician" (As she was complimenting me for being musical)
Her: Oh so you're going out with me *smiling*
I: I mean we have come out with each other tonight, lets just say we are gd aquaintances.....
Her:Yes very good aquaintances.
Thanks to all the replies to my last post, you helped a great deal

Tonight she sent me a txt asking if we were "friends with benefits or something else?"
Last night we agreed, after not using protection that she should take the morning after for precaution, though I was so nervous I managed to stay hard for hours but not come.
So I picked her up today and we got it, then had a coffee. I was keeping it fun and bought her some ginger to help with the pill reaction.
She seems to respect me and compliments me a lot. I try to either say thanks or be C&F about it.
Anyway, she txted me tonight thanking me for coming with her to get the pill etc... and how she "wondered how I feel" and "friends or something else"?
I like her and want to take things slowly, but what should I say?
I'd like to say "something more" but as a challenge I don't want her to know this.
Also last night in the club,
I meant it to be a joke but I blurted out..."thats why Im going out with you, just because you're a musician" (As she was complimenting me for being musical)
Her: Oh so you're going out with me *smiling*
I: I mean we have come out with each other tonight, lets just say we are gd aquaintances.....
Her:Yes very good aquaintances.
Thanks to all the replies to my last post, you helped a great deal