So a few weeks ago she told me that she was worried that she was pregnant, but she didn't think so. I asked her why and she said her body has just been feeling off lately and she's been nauseous. Around that time she said that wasn't sure if she wanted to stay with me or not. I asked her what she wanted, she stalled, so I broke it off. She sent me a
message explaining that she was just scared and tried to push me away. I told her I would decide on what I wanted to do about our relationship. I told her I would call the next day but didn't. Then a few days later I told her the same thing and didn't call. I guess she finally got fed up so I told her I would definitely let her know on Monday if I still wanted to be with her or not. Well I didn't call on Monday. Tuesday night I sent her text saying I was sorry for not having texted her that day and that I would call her tomorrow after work. I go check on Instagram and she unfollowed me smh.
I sent her a message saying to scratch what I had just said. She put the nail in the coffin and she's childish. I said some other stuff but told her that I swear on everything I wont respond to any texts or phone calls so don't even try and then wished her good luck in life.
10 minutes later I get a text from her saying she was sorry and she took my silence as being done so she unfollowed me. Then I get another text saying she's just been freaked out because she's been worried that she's preggo and believing it was over, having to see me constantly on social media would just hurt so unfollowing me was self preservation. She apologized again. Called a few times. Sent another text saying she was sorry and she wasn't trying to be childish and I didn't understand her thought process-"to think things are over, to think you're pregrnant, and having a constant reminder would just hurt. Since I didn't hear from you I took that as as I sign that I needed to move on." She said she had tried to hint as this to me weeks ago but because we weren't talking it didn't seem like an appropriate time to bring it up and it would've looked weird if she had. Then she said that her friend had been pushing her to get a test done and then sent me a screenshot of her friend asking the day before if she got the test. She said how she's been freaked out that she thought she would have to go through the abortion alone and unfollowing me would make it easier if she didn't see me since she thought it was over. She kept texting begging me to just talk to her and she called a few more times. Her last messaged said please call me back talking about prengancy over text isn't appropriate. I never picked up or responded to her.
The next day she sends me a picture of the postive pregnancy test. She's holding the positive test in front of her toothbrush holder in her bathroom. She sent a message saying she had wanted to talk about it on Monday when I was supposed to call and said again how she wasn't being childish, and this (the pregancy) is the reason why she was freaked out. I didn't respond to her message. She sent me a DM but I never opened it. That was two days ago.
I'm not wrong here right?