she says she has a b/f but....?



ok guys!!

I've been reading post on here for a while now and it has been quite helpful. But, i have a little bit of a different situation and was hoping for some insight. I know to stay away from women with b/f's but this situation has me confused.

This girl and I have known each other for 6 months or so, and she has had a b/f since I met her. Granted, I knew that, but we still hung out together quite a bit. She would call me to hang out, do homework, stuff like that. As we hung out more, she became more physical with me, hugging me, touching my leg (KINO type stuff). I returned the favor, of course, but, I still had the idea that she had a b/f in the back of my mind.

After about 3 or 4 months, the KINO was being stepped up a knotch. When we would walk together, she would grab onto my arm, lots of eye contact, and even some light hand holding. This was definately sending me a signal. So i had to try, and see what kinda reaction i would get, so i tried to kiss her. But, of course, i got the I have a b/f speech, she didn't wanna cheat on him, which i actually respect. It tells me she probably wouldn't do it to me if she was with me.

So, everything was still cool, i didn't make a big deal out of it. We still hung out, but she was still doing the KINO stuff even after all this happened. Part of it is my fault that I let her do it, so I called her on it. I said to her, how do u really feel about me, cuz ur telling me No, but your actions are telling me yes! I had to, i was getting frustrated, and it wasn't fair that she could have her cake and eat it too. She told me, she is attracted to me & she isn't sure why she is with her b/f. But, she's still with him?? What do I do guys? Sounds like she needs some pushing, but im not sure I should be that one to do the pushing??? Help me out guys.

Big Nick


Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
She might want you but she needs to make sure before she lets go of what she has. Make up her mind for her and go for a kiss again when you think the time is right. How long has it been since you tried and were you a p*ssy about it? Do not waste your time being a teddy-bear for some attention junky. Six months is a long time.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Cal State Long Beach huh? I'm over at Fullerton!!! So Cal has the hottest byatches!!

Ok enough of that rant, I have a different take on what's going on here. She's definitely still into her boyfriend, but she doesn't get all the attention and "mushy" stuff from him. That's where you come into the equation. Your giving her constant attention, and she knows you want her (moved in for the kiss). Anyway you look at this, you can call it that she's partly an attention ***** and partly looking to fill the missing voids in her relationship through you. I'm sorry to tell you this but you've known this girl for 6 months and nothing has happened, true partly due to her boyfriend. But how many times have we told newbies to judge girls not by what they say, but by what the do!!!

She tells you she's attracted to you, well why won't she let you kiss her then? Especially if she says she doesn't know why she's with her bf?? Doesn't make sense bro. She's jerking your chain and your her little intellectual *****.

Go read this website, the situation your in will make a lot more sense to you. And for the love of god, go meet more girls!!!

Your on that ladder bro!!!


Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
She's using you for attention. She's in love with her boyfriend that's why she hasn't left him. I can't believe after 6 months your still hangin' on hoping she'll leave him. If she truly wanted to get with you then she wouldn't have rejected your kiss.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Three words GET HER DRUNK. She may be defenseive and b/f coscientious while she's sober but after a few rum and coks that wall will come down like a bull dozer in berlin. Don't try to explin things to her or coax her into dumping this guy, if you've learned anything its that girls are stupid. You need to take them to the edge and then push them off or they'll never jump.

Sounds cheap and sleezy but girls like a guy who takes charge. If you don't take charge and you let her work at your own pace you'll end up killing yourself, her and the loser boyfriend who has both of you in this position.

Simple DJ equation Her + Booze = Success