she said she would text me but didnt


Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
pyros said:
So there is this 19 years old chick who I met like two months ago, I went on seven dates with her, banged her once, then had a one month break because of some misunderstanding etc.

Last week we went to play some pool, made out etc. Last Monday I said that we should go to the movies on Saturday, she agreed. Today she texted me in the morning, I reminded her that we were suposed to meet to go to the movies but she said:

her: Im not sure, I have to go to X first and not sure when I'll be able to come back, I'll let you know.

me: if you cannot make it we can go some other time. Let me now as soon as you can

her: ok, I'll text you in an hour.

Well, she did not text. I sense that she's seing another dude so it seems now I am option B.

Anyway, any ideas or suggestions on how to proceed? Im not texting her again since she flaked on me.
The red was a horrible reply. You showed your plans revolve around her and you're desperate. You should've replied. "No biggie. Maybe next time." and ended the convo. (If this story is even true.)

1st when a chick or anyone says they'll "let you know". They just did let you "No". She could've just had plans and been busy. No biggie.

And just because some chick wasn't interested in going to the movies with you doesn't mean she's automatically fvcking some high priority model fitness instructor.

You offered. She declined = "Forgot".

The ball is in her court. Move on till then.