Well, the girl I was seeing decided she needed space. No, I did not beg her, text her when she texted that to me. I started to read what it really meant.. Man, it is over for her and I.. I was hoping for a silver lining. It will not be so..
Here is why. I know, I will have to move I just have no choice but here is why I know we are over and no returning back.
many things are happening in her life, she has been unemployed for two years, her unemployment will be running out so she is making drastic changes or will be if things do not turn around. She is also well to do, has a big nice house, its a 100 grand type of house. anyway.
She was talking bout getting a roomate, I was thinking, ok, hopefully another fine chick. No its a single guy she picked up in a bar and had sex with, he will be the one moving in and there is nothing there she said they respect each other and have so much in comon but nothing sexual anymore.. Im thinking BULL****!!! this don juan is single and she is too but with me. I voiced my displeasure of this idea and how I felt uncomfortable with that.
but before this guy moves in, she is having a friend coming from out of town to stay with her for 7 days, She said her and my plans are derailed.. I asked if I could come around sense they are just friends and nothing more.. she said no.. he wants all the attention to himself I told her, oh yeah how much attention is he gonna get late in the evenings? maybe that was a insecure move but ****!!
I get the text she wants space right on the heels of all this happening.. I been curbed.. So that is why I know there is no turning back..
I will just drop off the face of the earth from her.. besides moving on advice, is there advice? I read that I should agree with the idea and let her know that we can see each other in 3 days.. im thinking no, dude coming in from out of town to get laid and this dude will lavish her with expensive dinners etc..
So, is there advice besides the "just move on" I am but I like to hear from you all..
Thank you in advance
Robert T
Here is why. I know, I will have to move I just have no choice but here is why I know we are over and no returning back.
many things are happening in her life, she has been unemployed for two years, her unemployment will be running out so she is making drastic changes or will be if things do not turn around. She is also well to do, has a big nice house, its a 100 grand type of house. anyway.
She was talking bout getting a roomate, I was thinking, ok, hopefully another fine chick. No its a single guy she picked up in a bar and had sex with, he will be the one moving in and there is nothing there she said they respect each other and have so much in comon but nothing sexual anymore.. Im thinking BULL****!!! this don juan is single and she is too but with me. I voiced my displeasure of this idea and how I felt uncomfortable with that.
but before this guy moves in, she is having a friend coming from out of town to stay with her for 7 days, She said her and my plans are derailed.. I asked if I could come around sense they are just friends and nothing more.. she said no.. he wants all the attention to himself I told her, oh yeah how much attention is he gonna get late in the evenings? maybe that was a insecure move but ****!!
I get the text she wants space right on the heels of all this happening.. I been curbed.. So that is why I know there is no turning back..
I will just drop off the face of the earth from her.. besides moving on advice, is there advice? I read that I should agree with the idea and let her know that we can see each other in 3 days.. im thinking no, dude coming in from out of town to get laid and this dude will lavish her with expensive dinners etc..
So, is there advice besides the "just move on" I am but I like to hear from you all..
Thank you in advance
Robert T