Good post. She is definitely not looking for a relationship, all she wants is sex.
The situation got a little confusing because, I initially reached out to her maybe 3-4 times & tried to pin down a day to meet and have sex.
She was very wishy washy, claiming that she definitely wants to bang soon, but no actual date.. Simply it will be soon.
After 3-4 attempts I got bored of the situation & backed off.
Around a week after I backed off, I got this sudden out of the blue
text off her, telling me that she still wants to meet and have fun, and that she is bored & needs fun in order to get through lockdown.
I simply told her, sure I am up for that.. I didn't try to pin down a precise date because she had already shown flakey behaviour when it comes to precise dates by using the term SOON alot.
I simply left the ball in her court.. Precisely 5 days later Saturday night, I get a text off her... Are you free tonight?
Problem was I wasn't free. She left it too late in the dau, and I was with some friends.
So I declined & told her, we can re arrange for another day. She seemed happy about it & we exchanged a few flirty texts.
After two days I messaged her & we exchanged a few naughty texts.
After another 5 days I messaged her again & suggested she gets a taxi over to my house soon.
She replied back with, she has been so busy etc recently, but will definitely arrange something soon.. SOON is her favourite word.
So I just left it at that.. Ball in her court... Now I had already reached out to her 3-4 tines over the last week or two.
So I decided to just leave ball in her court & stop messaging her.. Let her make some effort in texting me for a change.
And there in lies the problem.. 10 days have gone by & she hasn't reached out once.
So I don't see why I should keep chasing her down endlessly.
I gave her an invite to come to my place, the way I see it is, she either reaches out and takes up that offer... Or I move the fuk on, and stop wasting time on her