She messing with me or what? 1-10


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May 19, 2015
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Flaked on me 3 times in a row and still texts me...

Her pics

1-10 guys???

She's nothing special or am i missing something? i dont understand where she gets her ego.

how do i flip the script on her?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
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flakeygirls said:
Flaked on me 3 times in a row and still texts me...

Her pics

1-10 guys???

She's nothing special or am i missing something? i dont understand where she gets her ego.

how do i flip the script on her?
She's attractive. The way I rate chicks is whether I can a semi-boner by watching them lol

Girls gets their ego from the facts that guys like you, allow them to flake on them multiples times. She loves the attention but the problem is that she's get your attention without any effort on her part.

Flipping the script is simple, don't text her and pursue other chicks. Also follow the 2 strike rule. She cannot respect you as a man when she's allowed to flake on plans multiple times and she still has news of you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
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How old is she? Some pics look like early 20s, others like 30. She's hot, plus a healthy C cup it looks like so she'll always have options.

So you know, sounds like an attention wh*re.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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She gets her ego from all the orbiters she has chasing after her. She can flake and flake until she's blue in the face and guys keep chasing after her because she's been lead to believe that she's got a golden pvssy. I'd never contact this chick again. She likely won't even care, but why help feed her ego?


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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GS750 said:
She gets her ego from all the orbiters she has chasing after her. She can flake and flake until she's blue in the face and guys keep chasing sfter her because she's been lead to believe that she's got a golden pvssy. I'd never contact this chick again. She likely won't even care, but why help feed her ego?
This. Also when she realizes you ain't down with her game her attraction level may spike and you can sow your royal oats. Don't be a orbiter.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Nice! However 3 flakes in a row is too much IMO.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
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Can't imagine her face without makeup. Colored eye contacts? Ugh.


New Member
May 19, 2015
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Suspens said:

Can't imagine her face without makeup. Colored eye contacts? Ugh.
She does not look good without makeup, i don't think. Her eyes look different colors depending on the light but would not surprise me.

She's 22.

She told me that she likes me but never thinks about me and when she flakes she gets back to me the next day explaining herself and then acting like she no longer wants to see me because she somehow thought she made it obvious for me that she would flake and then somehow agrees to hangout with me again, and then she will flake the next time. With her it's always been 1 hangout then a flake but now she's done it 3 times in a row.

She's always been at least 30 minutes late for our dates, too.

The last time we hung out she kept touching me and made strong eye contact the whole night. She texted me when she got home and thanked me. So I'm not sure. She did tell me that she sees a therapist once a week and is a vegetarian so I don't know, she might just be a weirdo. Spent a lot of time talking about her small dog how she kisses it on the lips or kisses the dog's foot. She also was talking a lot of crap about her ex and how he sucked in bed.

I don't know. I feel like I'm putting forth way more effort than her and I'm not seeing what she is offering me other than anxiety.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Hotness rating is inapplicable. She flaked 3 goddamn times, her value to you is zero. Block number, then delete. Stop torturing yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
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Eye of the storm
flakeygirls said:
somehow agrees to hangout with me again, and then she will flake the next time. With her it's always been 1 hangout then a flake but now she's done it 3 times in a row.

She's always been at least 30 minutes late for our dates, too.
Drop it like its hot

I feel like I'm putting forth way more effort than her and I'm not seeing what she is offering me other than anxiety.

Again drop it and pursue other options



Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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My type. Would bang. Then again the women where I live are mainly cows with lipstick. Still, after the late dates and several flakes, I would look at chasing other females.
Easier said than done though. 22 year old woman, with a solid rack and a gilt edged snatch - she's going to make you, or any other guy run, for years to come...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2011
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she's ok.. 6 maybe 7 on a good day. I have a thing for slutty blondes though.

As from someone whos good at reading people- she looks like a typical AW. use mauser's advice or dead her out.


New Member
Apr 25, 2015
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My responses in bold my man.

flakeygirls said:
She does not look good without makeup, i don't think. Her eyes look different colors depending on the light but would not surprise me.

She's 22.

She told me that she likes me but never thinks about meI don't like her saying that she never thinks about you. If she was at least pretending to be into you, she'd say something otherwise and when she flakes she gets back to me the next day explainingFlaking is unacceptable behaviour, as is getting back to you to justify it. The only reason she should be getting in touch is to jump on you herself and then acting like she no longer wants to see me because she somehow thought she made it obvious for me that she would flake Again, unacceptable behaviour. She is NOT allowed to act like this towards youand then somehow agrees to hangout with me again, and then she will flake the next time. With her it's always been 1 hangout then a flake but now she's done it 3 times in a row.

She's always been at least 30 minutes late for our dates, too.Unacceptable - again. Would she be late for work? A date with Bradley Cooper? It doesn't even matter if she would - not with you

The last time we hung out she kept touching me and made strong eye contact the whole night. She texted me when she got home and thanked me. So I'm not sure. She did tell me that she sees a therapist once a week and is a vegetarian so I don't know, she might just be a weirdo. She might be a weirdo, but luckily you don't have to care, just whether she respects you or notSpent a lot of time talking about her small dog how she kisses it on the lips or kisses the dog's foot. She also was talking a lot of crap about her ex and how he sucked in bed.Red flag - if she's talking crap about her ex, she will talk about you. Even if he did suck, she shouldn't be telling anyone else, least not a person she's looking to bed (apparently)

I don't know. I feel like I'm putting forth way more effort than her and I'm not seeing what she is offering me other than anxiety.
Overall, she's not offering much. Okay - she's hot but so what?Keep her as a plate but cut down comms with her.Not to punish her, but to reward yourself. You don't need that anxiety.


Average Hero


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Girl looks like a slut and looks older than her age. I thought she was 30 when I saw the pics. She's not naturally beautiful or anything. She has more of a manufactured sex/slut appeal with her makeup and fashion. Kind of looks like an escort. Just ignore her and wait for her to come to you, but there are better girls out there unless you want to just bang. Don't get attached. She honestly sounds like a cvnt from what you've said of her, the fact she has to see a therapist tells you a lot. Also if she is on medication for whatever psychological issues she might have, it can mess with her sex drive. And if she is on birth control (lots of young women seem to be on it) in combination with whatever antipsychotic meds she is taking, it will wreck havoc on her sex drive and general mood as I believe the drugs interfere with one another in a bad way, probably part of the reason why she is flaking.

The fact she is talking poorly about her ex means she might have some kind of personality disorder as they tend to paint their exes black. It is something I noticed with the BPD girls I've dealt with. They all talk poorly about their exes. Most healthy girls don't feel the need to talk poorly about their exes. She's probably some kind of BPD/HPD/NPD...

Does she have any daddy issues? If she does, just forget about her, most likely damaged goods and most likely has some kind of PD.


New Member
Feb 8, 2015
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Honestly, you probably haven't created any type of emotions with her. I mean, you can blame her for all her weirdness... but you need to remember you are the one willing to overlook those things and pursue her anyway. The only reason I say that is... because ... thats what you're doing.

At this point, you're probably just an option to her. She can easily make plans with you, knowing you'll be there, until something better comes up. I'd say, if you have plans with her, cancel them and find someone else.

Dont be a **** about it, dont act like its a big deal at all. Be nice about it. Walk away, maybe she'll chase. Maybe she won't. But you won't be wasting your time with this. At this point, she can do the work, or get lost.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Mauser96 said:
Great advice from everyone. I am with the others, she flakes and then continues to text to keep your hopes up, keep you chasing, keep the attention rolling in.

Next time she texts you, ignore it. Eventually she will send a text that says "Are u mad at me?"

Ignore that one too. Keep ignoring until she gives up or confronts you in person. Then tell her "you are a time-waster" and walk away.

That will drive her away or flip the script and she will chase you.
alternative just take her off the pedestal you put her on, move on with your life and find someone better. You don't have to be rude if she texts you, but this girl should be treated with indifference. If she texts, ask if she's free to get together, anything but yes = "cool well let me know when your schedule fees up, bye.

If you start playing games with a woman like this i.e ignoring her it's a fools gambit not to mention childish.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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Well it depends. If you ignore her thinking it will bring her back/increase her interest, etc then yeah its childish and game playing. If you ignore her because you could give a flying fvck about her and would rather not waste any more time on her then that's totally different. Any time I've went No Contact on a girl or ignored her it was because I simply didn't care anymore and didn't want to waste any more time even giving her the time of day.
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