she heard me bitcin


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Basically my girlfriend who some refer to as a bunny boiler, as she's that obbsessed wiv me heard me through a voice message on her phone after i accidently rang it after we had massive row and i got drunk and slagged her off basically, and said how i didnt want to be wiv her etc. Anyway we've just got back from skiin as it happened the day we were meant to leave. So we got back... and she went for drink wiv her mate (who dont want her wiv me becasue my lass's ex is er best mates lads best mate if that makes sense) anyway.. she has been weird for last few days, but has been making all the effort to contact me and want to see me etc.. but when i actually go and see her she is really weird! and i dont know how to fix this?


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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Well... i went to see her at work after she had txt me all day askin me to go and see her at work. Once i got there she came and sat with me eating her dinner, but was still a little weird but i let it go, it may have been my paranoia but seemed like her and this emma mate of her were exchanging smerks to each other, felt like they were finding it funny seeing me suffer. So i decided i would just get up and leave.

When she finished she went home and stareted txtn me asking me to go to her house, and even offered to pay for taxi to get me there, so i went over about an hour later. I went in full of smiles and happiness, before long she was crying saying she didnt feel rite and wanted some space, but didnt want me to cancel holiday and we werent split up, usually i would stay and try and fix things, but i thought "sod it" got my mate to pick me up and headed to pub. Within seconds of leaving she txt askin if i was ok and she was sorry, so i didnt reply, so she sent another one and i just replied "ok", so she sent another one but i didnt reply.

So me and my mate go to pub so i can drown my sorrows, within and hours she is sendin me txt sayin im missin the o.c with loads of kiss's (she always putls loads of kiss's on my txts and puts how much she loves me, but after getting back she has changed and has just been doing blunt txts with 2 kiss's and no i love u) so we start txtn, she apologises for how she went on and said how sorry she was and she couldnt sleep because of how mush she was missin me and didnt want to go out wiv her friends on sat night because she wanted to see me. I decided to stand up to her for once and never said i was missin her and told her i would only come and see her if we can put all this behind us and move on. SHe said she could put this behind us and move on and she was so sorry and then a "i love u" txt.

After finishin my pint i went over and she cuddled me for what seemed like hours!!! and told me how much she had missed me and loved me! we had sex, cuddled and went to bed. In the morning she has smile on her face, but after i have been in her bro's room i come back and she starts demandin i make her breakfast and get out her bed cos she wants to make it etc.. so now she's all defensive.. but soon starts talking alot, but something still dont feel rite.. after her dad dropped her off for work i walked home, but her last words were "are u coming to mine tonight?" and i said "yeah probs" but she never asks that quick..

So am just wondering is she so used to getting her own way that me making a stand is the best thing here? but her being weird again in morning? what is she doing here?


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
never never land
dont care how she is acting. if she wants to act wierd let her be wierd, if she wants to sit around all day allowing in her own misery then let her.

firstly. have you appologised properly for mouthing off down your phone at her? i didnt think so. thats the first thing you need to do. tell her you were drunk and angry and got lost in the heat of the moment. then despite that you will think this is AFC, make it up to her!!! not with flowers use ur imagination. she needs to feel that you actually do want to be with her. which is probly the cause of her acting wierd.

do u live int he UK by any chance?


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
duttylove said:
dont care how she is acting. if she wants to act wierd let her be wierd, if she wants to sit around all day allowing in her own misery then let her.

firstly. have you appologised properly for mouthing off down your phone at her? i didnt think so. thats the first thing you need to do. tell her you were drunk and angry and got lost in the heat of the moment. then despite that you will think this is AFC, make it up to her!!! not with flowers use ur imagination. she needs to feel that you actually do want to be with her. which is probly the cause of her acting wierd.
Simple and good advise. I reccomend that you use it.



Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
I do live in the uk, i have told her all this and she was huggin me with all her heart last night and tellin me how much she loved me! so i have been up street and bought her nice card, and i know u said use your imagination and not get flowers, but i got her a flower, which is her favourite, u get them when at funerals i think, ive forgotten name as ive just walked back in door and got it her favourite coulour pink and wrote lots of nice things in the card explaining that i do love her and she is defensive at the moment, but she let her defenses down last night and just basically how much i love her, my sis says me saying everytime we fall out "do u think we should finish" will make her think i actually do want to finish. But real reason is i dont want to get hurt (but no one does!)


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

Is she the type that would cheat? ...



Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
i had a problem with a friend that had the simular **** happen..... I said something.....she said something......after that it never was the metter how hard we's just that feeling that you get when you see her......i don't know


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Anything is possible...

memphis12 said:
why do u ask if she is type to cheat? and maybe... ?
Why? because maybe she thought that you never wanted her, and to spite you she kissed someone else? And maybe THATS the reason she is acting weird? ... Just a thought/possibility:rolleyes:



Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
in 5 and half months together she has never been anywherewithout me, because she dont like me going anywhere without her! even if she's at work and am off she dosent like me leaving house lol! so cant be that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
Holy ****ing ****! Why the **** do people spell like ****ing idiots. With=wiv. Are you a ****ing retard or something? Also run on sentences are for middle school. Learn to write properly. Christ sake!


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Skel said:
Holy ****ing ****! Why the **** do people spell like ****ing idiots. With=wiv. Are you a ****ing retard or something? Also run on sentences are for middle school. Learn to write properly. Christ sake!