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She has a boy Friend -- should i call her ?


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by reza
I went on 2 dates for 4 hours so So if she is Going to find me inresting she must have done it by now
And if she is not intrested i am not losing any thing casue even if i call i wont get any thing but if i am right and its the other way around i shall get something

Ummm right...and...........annnnnnnnnywayz, seems like you rather not get any help...that's fine, going out for 4 hours is gunna give her enough time to make up her mind on a decision that she'll have to live with for a while....goign out for 4 hours isnt the same as talking for 4 hours, I talked to the girl in my story for about....11 hours, and I mean talked, it was online, and she already gave signs of interest. It's up to you though, only you can determine what her interest level is.

I'm glad you're applying DJ beliefs that "if shes not inerested i am not losing any thing," but ummm, I think that only works if you believe it, and from my judgement, I think you are too infatuated with her to believe that.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Hey reza, I've just tried to get with a girl who has a BF. What happend? Blew up in my face. She ended up just wanting to use me, so I had my fun with her last night and now I've nexted her. Just do a search for "Chantal" to see my posts on this girl. (It will help you analyze the one you're interested in).

Some DJs say a girl with a BF will never work. Maybe they're right. I certainly have failed TWICE trying it. I'd say date her, try and kiss her. See what happens.

Be careful, she might try and use you. If she says anything about not knowing what she wants or that she wants the both of you RUN LIKE HELL! Trust me.

Well, experience is the best teacher. Try and date her. Don't put so much value on her. If she's into you it won't be that hard to get her to go out with you.

Good luck


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Santos
Hey reza, I've just tried to get with a girl who has a BF. What happend? Blew up in my face. She ended up just wanting to use me, so I had my fun with her last night and now I've nexted her. Just do a search for "Chantal" to see my posts on this girl. (It will help you analyze the one you're interested in).

Some DJs say a girl with a BF will never work. Maybe they're right. I certainly have failed TWICE trying it. I'd say date her, try and kiss her. See what happens.

Be careful, she might try and use you. If she says anything about not knowing what she wants or that she wants the both of you RUN LIKE HELL! Trust me.

Well, experience is the best teacher. Try and date her. Don't put so much value on her. If she's into you it won't be that hard to get her to go out with you.

Good luck
It's exactly like that Santos, the girl I'm trying for right now has a boyfriend and she just doesn't know what she wants. I've already made her want me, now I am taking myself away from her for a week or two, then we see what happens. But yeah at this time it looks like I'm being used for entertainment value that her boyfriend isn't giving her. Like being fun to talk to for example. She rather talk to me than play hacky-sack with her boyfriend...hahahahha. Imagine that, a guy standing next to the comp hacky sacking while being completely oblivious to his girl possibly being taken away.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
Oh man I love it here

Thats Exacly How i am Feeling And THats exacly What i did Last night we were on a long date We chated About 6 hours . I got that Her bf is not giving her much attentýon . i know that she is Intrested in me And She will make a choice . So i am Not going to call her any more cuase its the Truning point . Either She wants me and she will make a choice or Me Continiuing On the dating Only is going to give Her what Her boy friend is not giving her lately and Probebly i am going to Be used So would hold it from here .


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
The Illiterate Thread Award.

Let's use the language we all agreed upon fellas.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score

i read ur story So with ur Advice U think i am Doing the right thing Buy not calling her And Leting her Diside ? Or IF i help her to diside I might get better result ? and i know she is intrested


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
Full speed ahead, Reza. It doesn't matter if she has a boyfriend. From what you've said, she might be looking for greener pastures. Don't get infatuated, just have a good time with her.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
The thing which i have is passion . I can wait for so long not calling her So i dont have problem in that but i could loos her / i dont want To Show Her Every thing also Cause then she will feel Like She totally has me / I know She is intrested But i want the Mystery Still to remain That would keep her Coming Back / But i have a problem here
When She comes back How Can i make her to choice / cause from her side It would be Very entertaining Having Her boy friend And me at the same time


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
If you're looking for a LTR here, this girl might be a bad choice. You may do better to look elsewhere. But if it's a STR you want with her, then forget about the boyfriend. Just try to crank up her interest in you more. Don't even mention her boyfriend to her, don't remind her of him when she's with you. Keep her mind on yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by reza

i read ur story So with ur Advice U think i am Doing the right thing Buy not calling her And Leting her Diside ? Or IF i help her to diside I might get better result ? and i know she is intrested
This girl kept telling me she was "deciding" but always ran back to her BF. She played me. I tried waiting like you want to, and she called within a day of me not contacting her. Yet she ended up just using me. She showed all the signs of interest, yet once she knew I wanted her her IL level dropped. She seems to get a kick out of hurting guys.

The only way you can help her decide is by dissapearing for a while. If you feel she knows you enough and is interested. Then cut off contact with her. She'll call and drop hints about wanting to see you. IF she gets the feeling your out meeting other women it will FORCE her to pick you.

I'm not promising you anything, reza. I am not too much of an expert in this area. All I can tell you is that I have tried TWICE with girls with BF and failed both times. This one seemed really interested, but she's a rare nut-case and just uses men.

But give it a go anyway. Don't call her. If she's interested she'll get hold of you. Girls with BFs can leave you waiting to get with them for years while you could be out banging other HBs.
