Hey Comote, settle down. This was for EVERYBODY, but I addressed it to you because of what you said.
Anyway, I think that Crowes22's advice is good if you are seeing the girl just for a night (as in Comote's case), and just want a f*ck buddy. But remember, these girls have NO integrity. They're totally unsuitable for consideration as actual girlfriends. Why? Well, she screwed around with you behind her boyfriend's back, so she'll do it to you.
Now for girls that you see regularly. I'm going to pick apart Crowes22's post paragraph by paragraph.
"Other than the normal signs of interest, I think the info Pook wrote there is VERY valuable in determining if her interest is real. If they haev flirted, and given you a chance to make a move, but you didn't, and then the BF talk starts or increases, rest assured she wants you and the chump is actually being used by her to get you, what a sucker! It's funny to watch this happen, so don't burst out laughing when they are giving you social proof through the chump, ok. It really is hilarious, the guy is totally cluless, and the girl too, if you already know she wants you."
Again, she has NO integrity. She's probably doing the same with other guys as well. Classic ATTENTION WH0RE. I'm surprised that Crowes is falling for this!
"Since wer'e on that topic, this is a way again to see if she is really interested. I've only used this once, cause it's too hard to keep from laughing, but I did pull it off this time. Here's what happened. I knew she was interested, she asked me if I was going to a bar where we all hung out regularly. Now think, she wasn't going with us, but she showed up there with the chump BF, cause she had flirted and given me chance to make a move and I didn't bite. So she is hanging al over the chump so I'll see she is desired. BTW, I ignored her hello and her most of the night. So you'll notice she'll try to get you to notice her with the chump BF. Anyway I tested her when she walked away from him to talk to a friend, leaving chump BF all alone. I didn't know him, but I bought the chump a beer and sat down to talk to him. We could not have talked more than 45 seconds before she rushed over to him, looking flustered,and whispered to him for them to leave. Now don't bust out laughing if this shyt happens to you, so prepare yourself beforehand, cause it's funny. So if she acts nervous when you and the BF are around each other, especially talikng to each other, she is really interested."
CLASSIC ATTENTION WH0RE all along the line. What Crowes did by chatting up the chump BF was great; actually one of the best ways to make the slut feel guilty about what she's doing and bust her. She's afraid that you'll tell chump BF about her flirting with you, and he'll get pissed at her. I'd be laughing by arse off too.
Actually, something similar happened to me. I got this one girl's phone number, but was slow to call her because she seemed to be, well, to put it delicately, of easy morals. Anyway, after a month, I saw her hanging off a guy's arm. She saw me too, and kept making eye contact with me, as if to say, "Look here. See what I have?" I almost said to her, "So you have a boyfriend. Big deal. That means I can concentrate on other women. I kinda feel sorry for HIM, I wonder how long he's going to last?" But I certainly thought that in my head.
"Also kino is a superb way of guaging her interest and letting her no you are interested in a subtle way. If she returns your kino, SHE WANTS YOU! I have NEVER had a girl, BF or not, that returned my kino, that wasn't truly interested. And about her flirting and givng you a chance to make a move and you don't, this will drive her crazy, you'll be more of a challenge, and she'll be dying to have you. But don't take it too far."
ATTENTION WH0RE again. You may or may not turn her on, but again, she's probably doing the same with other guys. She's addicted to male attention, just like a stud who goes and sleeps with 100 women. She should get a job in Vegas as a hooker.
Oh yea, I also know that I don't talk about other girls in this situation, that's up to you. But if you have others mention you and some girl, see how your target reacts. You'll see if it really bothers her. Of course if it does, true interest. If you are around other girls take note of how she acts, she won't like it worth a shyt, even though she has a chump BF where she is getting sex from, she, through her actions, will forbid you from being with another girl."
Well, as I like to say, Tough Patooties. She has a BF already. She has two choices; she should either dump him and make herself available, or stay with him and stop being upset when you see other girls. If she never dumps him, SHE WASN'T THAT INTERESTED.
People who read and actually believe what Crowes wrote WILL be strung around and used by ATTENTION WH0RES unless you wake up!
BGMan the Cynical
Doc Love's Representative
[This message has been edited by BGMan (edited 07-22-2002).]