First of all, sorry for my English, I am not a native English speaker. I feel a little confused and I would like to hear your advices and opinions, my friends. Regularly, I obtain kiss closes on first days and one night stands, when I feel the HBs are little players or I can manipulate them. Nevertheless, I have a big problem when I meet HBs with more education, social value, etc than the usual HBs I meet. I feel that my game is destined to obtain Kcloses and Fcloses in short time and with one type of HBs. I think you can understand me.
For example, I have met a 25-year, MBA degree, and well-educated HB8. She is always showing a nice smile and looks like the dad’s preferred daughter. On our first date, we went out for drinks, we talked a lot, ****y and funny, deep questions about her life, her hobbies, etc. We went to a karaoke and singed a lot, we got fun. I really like this HB8. She seems like a HB with experience, but no malice. The same day after our first date, she sent me a SMS telling me that she had enjoyed the time with me. Usual when I like a HB, I postponed Kclose for the second or third date.
Our second date was two days after Saint Valentine day. We take a tour on a boat in a park, holding hands all of the time, and she smiling in everything I said. So I feel confident and I go for the Kiss close. I looked at her eyes with a knowing smile, I closed to her to kiss her and she told me not to do this and asked me why I did this. She hugged me nervously and I let the situation in that way. Then, when I took her back to her house, she gave me a gift. It was an expensive perfume I had told her about on our first date.
This gift ended confusing me even more. She did not let me to kiss her, but gave me an expensive gift and sent me SMS for the good times she passed with me. I know I must keep trying until kissing her, but I believe that with only ****y and Funny, Push and Pull and deep questions, is not going to be enough. I would like a lot to read your opinions and advices, my friends.
First of all, sorry for my English, I am not a native English speaker. I feel a little confused and I would like to hear your advices and opinions, my friends. Regularly, I obtain kiss closes on first days and one night stands, when I feel the HBs are little players or I can manipulate them. Nevertheless, I have a big problem when I meet HBs with more education, social value, etc than the usual HBs I meet. I feel that my game is destined to obtain Kcloses and Fcloses in short time and with one type of HBs. I think you can understand me.
For example, I have met a 25-year, MBA degree, and well-educated HB8. She is always showing a nice smile and looks like the dad’s preferred daughter. On our first date, we went out for drinks, we talked a lot, ****y and funny, deep questions about her life, her hobbies, etc. We went to a karaoke and singed a lot, we got fun. I really like this HB8. She seems like a HB with experience, but no malice. The same day after our first date, she sent me a SMS telling me that she had enjoyed the time with me. Usual when I like a HB, I postponed Kclose for the second or third date.
Our second date was two days after Saint Valentine day. We take a tour on a boat in a park, holding hands all of the time, and she smiling in everything I said. So I feel confident and I go for the Kiss close. I looked at her eyes with a knowing smile, I closed to her to kiss her and she told me not to do this and asked me why I did this. She hugged me nervously and I let the situation in that way. Then, when I took her back to her house, she gave me a gift. It was an expensive perfume I had told her about on our first date.
This gift ended confusing me even more. She did not let me to kiss her, but gave me an expensive gift and sent me SMS for the good times she passed with me. I know I must keep trying until kissing her, but I believe that with only ****y and Funny, Push and Pull and deep questions, is not going to be enough. I would like a lot to read your opinions and advices, my friends.