She flaked, am I being too leinient here?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
giorgio said:
what would ur advice be if she went up to him and/or called him and said something like "whats wrong" or "you're being different" or the everpopular "are you mad at me?"
If she calls him, don't pick up. If she confronts him in the person for not picking up just say "I have been super busy".

If she just went up to him in person then:

Just play dumb.

"Whats wrong?" Answer: "Nothing is wrong, why anything should be wrong?"

"You'r being different" Answer: "I am?? how so?"

"Are you mad at me"? Answer: Why would I be mad at you? did you do anything wrong?! (this one is the kicker)

Whatever she says after that to back up her support to her claim just shrug your shoulders and say "nope, I am cool"

Just remember not to fall for her "lets get togther another time or something" because she will try to reel you in to make sure you are still friends with her, so she would feel good about herself. All you say to that is "maybe, we will see" and never bother with her again.

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
If she calls him, don't pick up. If she confronts him in the person for not picking up just say "I have been super busy".

If she just went up to him in person then:

Just play dumb.

"Whats wrong?" Answer: "Nothing is wrong, why anything should be wrong?"

"You'r being different" Answer: "I am?? how so?"

"Are you mad at me"? Answer: Why would I be mad at you? did you do anything wrong?! (this one is the kicker)

Whatever she says after that to back up her support to her claim just shrug your shoulders and say "nope, I am cool"

Just remember not to fall for her "lets get togther another time or something" because she will try to reel you in to make sure you are still friends with her, so she would feel good about herself. All you say to that is "maybe, we will see" and never bother with her again.
I like this one, this was what I was thinking about doing. I'm showing that her actions (or lack thereof) didn't get to me. If she does say the "let's' get toether another time or something," I will be howling on the inside. The "I don't know/whatever, we'll see/maybe" answer is what I'd give, and I'm not stopping to talk to her during any of this.

The Bat - I agree, I still need to be friendly/alright. If I appear vengeful or downright rude, then she'll see that her actions got to me. Your line )(booze/condoms) is funny, but I'm not sure it's worth it here. Sure, she's pretty cute, but every joke has a little bit of truth to it, and this would show that I'd still want to see her again at some point. More importantly, I don't want to burn any more bridges...'re thinking of a girl in one of my classes that you had commented about a few weeks ago. This is a different girl. The one from class I apparently am a real rival of now. We talk in that class sometimes, apparently my obvious jokes towards her were seen as "rude insults" (I had a friend right there, he said anyone could tell I was kidding around) and she showed her true high school girl colors when she said she never talks to me...although she had been looking right at me and talking earlier that day, and other times before. :crackup: She thinks she's a princess in that class, so I enjoy knocking her off her pedestal on a constant basis.

Back to the topic you said, it's her loss and I am not going to let her flaking get the best of me.