I'd be real skeptical of what she wants. If she hasn't changed her mind about just friends, and you want more, don't do things on her terms. Hopefully you're a little wiser about what you did to fall into the LJBF zone. I would go out with her again, but not everytime she asks. If she asks for Friday night or something, tell her you're busy but are free Monday night, and don't tell her why. As a "friend" it's none of her business. Don't pursue her or ask her to change her mind. After a couple of times going out with her, using C+F, being the first to leave, using kino... if she still wants to be just friends, then you put her on the back burner. Say no 3 times in a row without an alternate date. If she asks what's wrong, you can tell her without apology that you're got a lot to do. Either she will realize that she wants you as more than a friend, or if she doesn't change her tune you'll realize that nothing you can do will make her see you as other than a friend and will give up on her.
Of course, this stuff only works if you now know how to act like a DJ and build her IL. Otherwise, she won't call again until she's bored and needs time filler.