She cheated on her ex for me, BUT...

Fela Kuti

Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Just thinking I'd do a little update here. So, we continued seeing each other for about 2 months since this thread started. In the end she dumped me because she said this "relationship" was too risky considering her best friend and all and she better stop it before it gets too serious. 2 months more passed since the dumping and then (a few days ago) I heard she's going back with her ex. I felt like getting kicked in the face of course and now I realize things that you guys said are true, to some extent. Lesson learned.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Since you already necroposted in this, I have a question for anyone willing to answer.

I know that a lot of people say "once a cheater...", but can't you control this? I mean, I'm pretty sure if I went out with a girl like that, I could tame her and stop her from doing such disrespectful things. I wouldn't let her have other guys in her life while she was with me (when it gets serious).

PS: Even if I just said that, I wouldn't go out with a cheater. :whistle:


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2011
Reaction score
DrPhysique said:
Since you already necroposted in this, I have a question for anyone willing to answer.

I know that a lot of people say "once a cheater...", but can't you control this? I mean, I'm pretty sure if I went out with a girl like that, I could tame her and stop her from doing such disrespectful things. I wouldn't let her have other guys in her life while she was with me (when it gets serious).
Sure...only, she'd have dumped you sooner than poor Fela Kuti because you were "trying to control her".


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
she will probably do the same to you that she has done in her past. I wouldnt bail out of there but take what she gives you knowing that at some point she will bail on YOU. In the meantime you might as well fool around with her, but dont get too deeply involved i guess


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
Reaction score
Wow, she's got you wrapped around her finger. Don't expect this relationship to last and don't get pissed off when she cheats on you. She's telling you exactly what you want to hear. This sounds exactly like a friend of mine who fell for a girl in the same exact situation. Relationships like this almost never last.. I would be extremely careful if I were you. It sounds like she already has you in her pocket my friend.

EDIT: Sorry, just saw your post above. It's alright man, it happens to the best of us. Just move on and don't let her screw with you anymore. There may come a day when she wants you back and you'll just have to say NO.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Viagra4Soul said:
Sure...only, she'd have dumped you sooner than poor Fela Kuti because you were "trying to control her".
Wrong. There are certain ways to do this. Obviously you aren't going to tell her you don't want her with people. Even if you do, it would be a last resort and you'd only imply it. If you start telling her stuff like she can't go with so and so or whatever, it will be apparent you're scared to lose her. It's basically someone who thinks he's tough and good with women, but really just another AFC.

There was a post about stuff like this somewhere. Where you have to make her respect you and not help anyone who is disrespecting you.