Originally posted by NewMan
That's it exactly.
Coming to terms with the fact that she has moved on - the fact that she's getting married so quickly. That she found (opr thought she has) someone to replace me so quickly...... Even though I know deep down that if that were 100% true she would not be calling...
It's hard to take, knowing that she's probably being nice and sweet with the new guy, the way she was with me in the beginning. But then I think about what a rude awakening the new guy is gonna be in for, once she starts getting comfortable, and her real personality comes through. Women don't change that much.
Keep in mind, she's probably calling you to see if she can rub it in a little.
But it is pretty funny, I've been involved with several girls since my LTR ended, and yet, somehow, it still bothers me, from time to time.
But, Rome wasn't built in a day, and there are no agenda's for getting over things, be it grief for a loved one who has passed on, a failed marriage, a lost friendship......
each experience you have for awhile you will put into the context of your past relationship, until you gain a little time and distance. I'm just dealing with it by immersing myself in bettering myself and other women.