My ex and I were rekindling things but then I made a Facebook post and my previous ex commented. Now my current ex has blocked me everywhere.
So my ex, let’s call her A, and I were in the process of rekindling things. Admittedly we’ve had a lot of ups and downs and we had our first couples therapy session a week ago. Last night, I got a little sentimental and texted her that I was ready for *insert the name of our first kid that we had talked about*. Meanwhile, I had posted my new favorite song on my Facebook page.My previous ex, let’s call her B commented on it.
A little background: she’s pregnant and is due next month - not my baby btw. A and I broke up about a year ago and B come over to my house and slept over. B posted her wearing my hoodie and hat that A bought me (we didn’t sleep together just hung out). Well A saw this and understandably was pissed because just a day or two prior A and I had discussed seeing each other and she and she knew that I had dated B previously.
Now, back to currently and the FB post last night - so B commented a line from the song under my post. Then I, stupidly said/replied to B “I hope your baby daddy better not think that he’s the only one but at the end of the day I guess he won” (again she’s pregnant right now). B responded and said, “what baby daddy? This is all me. I won in the end”. Then my best friend commented and put the emojis and a gif of someone eating popcorn as if they’re watching the drama unfold. B replied to my best friend with a gif of a woman smirking.
I wake up to a text this morning from A saying, “actually never mind you can have the kid with B” and sent me the screenshot of the FB post and exchange with B. Now I’m blocked everywhere, even the phone. A and I aren’t even FB friends and I was joking with B.
I know I was stupid but wasn’t this an overreaction? What can I do?
TLDR: ex that I was rekindling with, saw my FB post where other ex and I were talking and now I’m blocked.
Edit: my response to B was not a lyric - those were my words. I never posted any lyrics, only the the thumbnail from of the song from YouTube.