Hehe, keep up the C&F I say! C&F to the death!!
You guys read my bowling date post? Long story short, she was supposed to meet me at a bowling alley, but her friends decided to go to a different bowling alley, because it was "Special Night" at the bowling alley we were SUPPOSED to meet at.
"Special Night" is comprised of a bunch of mentally handicapped persons congregating and having a gay old time.
The chick that was supposed to meet me didn't have my phone number, and thus couldn't tell me about the changes, so I was stuck at the alley on "Special Night."
Well I called her back, ready to lay into her. I thought she had played a mean trick on me by stranding me with the "Special People."
Me: For a while I thought you were playing a trick on me.
Her: Haha, no, I'm not smart enough to plan out something like that!
Me: Yeah... I should have figured that.
*she laughs*
Me: You should have gone to Special Night! You would have fit right in!
*she laughs*
Her: You are so mean to me! And you're so sarcastic!
[Back to the present]
SCOOORE! This marked the first time any chick had ever told me that. Only 5 months ago, my one-itus was telling me how nice I was to her. I felt so relieved to hear this from her. Oh and there's more.
I pretended to be pissed at her and she said that she was REALLY sorry and that'd she'd make it up to me...by buying me a game of bowling or tying my bowling shoes.
I told her she'd do both and the velcro shoes don't count!
Man, she really cracked up!
She told me how bad she sucked at bowling and I busted on her for that too. I suggested that I help her with her form, and she responded veeery positively. I'm grinning as I type this
David D. is RIGHT ON THE MONEY with what he says in all those newsletters. C&F is magical. Don't try to analyze why it works; it just works! Accept it!
Also, I suggest visiting the the Appendices of the DJ Bible and looking up The Definitive Neg-hit Post.