shared saving account with gf????


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
HAHA this is funny, can you put me on the shared account too?

I promise not to use any of the money


New Member
Mar 9, 2004
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damn she is still in highschool she should be playing with barbies instead off thinking about your future damnn old is she anyway ...shared acount my ass shes yust after your money next her ass as fast as you can.



Don Juan
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
1. You need a new and more positive screen name. This one reminds me of those other types who name themselves after animals like rat or pig or something else wierd.

2. Yeah get a shared account aslong as it's HER fawking money that goes into it and none of yours.

3. Your woman sounds like a gold digging ho. Straight up. She is worried about HER future and how she is going to develop YOUR potential so she can ride YOUR coat tails in life.

4. She would make a good prostitute...cause she knows how to get money out of a man or is at least willing to try. Forget that nice girl stuff or even the freak who only wants got a straight up HO.
The best words so far. She will only steal your money like the ho she is, DON'T DO IT!!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
hey loser2...

of these 23 odd responses, NOT ONE PERSON suggested that this was in any way a good idea.

i hope you're listening. but i have a sneaking suspicion that you've already done it.

this would be HALL OF FAME material.

c'mon...fess up if you have.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
Wow...none of you guys see anything good but bad?? My gf is in college and I am sure she isn't a gold digger or she would have left me already. We been together for more than a year and I never really had any money until now.

Why you guys just assumed that my gf would use the money or even take the money and run?

Originally posted by TooColdUlrick
hey loser2...

of these 23 odd responses, NOT ONE PERSON suggested that this was in any way a good idea.

i hope you're listening. but i have a sneaking suspicion that you've already done it.

this would be HALL OF FAME material.

c'mon...fess up if you have.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Yeah dude, I am going to go against the tide of advice given here and advise you to put at least $100/month into the account - why not share the wealth?

I hope you recognize sarcasm when you read it!

The above advice was given to you by my 'other self' - I call him PR_L. MY advice below is the real me, PuertoRican_Lover...

This hor is trying to pimp you and yet you comply!!!!!!! What is the purpose of having a shared account? You don't know so I'll tell is to take your money when she leaves you (once she pimps you for enough money) and by law she has access to the account and can do what she wishes with the money and then you will have no recourse to get it back!!! Could this be her motive??? NO. Then tell us why she is asking you to do this? Also, tell us how it benefits you?


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
I think my gf needs it to make her feel secure. She looks at it as a plan for our future and the saving acct is a first step to realize her dream. She gets all excited when she thinks about saving up to buy a house of our own in the future...

Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Yeah dude, I am going to go against the tide of advice given here and advise you to put at least $100/month into the account - why not share the wealth?

I hope you recognize sarcasm when you read it!

The above advice was given to you by my 'other self' - I call him PR_L. MY advice below is the real me, PuertoRican_Lover...

This hor is trying to pimp you and yet you comply!!!!!!! What is the purpose of having a shared account? You don't know so I'll tell is to take your money when she leaves you (once she pimps you for enough money) and by law she has access to the account and can do what she wishes with the money and then you will have no recourse to get it back!!! Could this be her motive??? NO. Then tell us why she is asking you to do this? Also, tell us how it benefits you?


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Guys,, stop wasting your time

THis guy is a hopeless WBAFC.

He is doomed.

I felt sorry until he tried to defend himself.

Loser2, go elsewhere. You are done.

Dead man walking.



Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
You are a doomed chump. If you can't see anything wrong with your girlfriend suddenly 'needing' your hard-earned cash to feel secure and loved, then you are your own worst enemy and deserve the b*tchslapping she will end up giving you.

Look at it this way. If you got yourself a first job, and one of your buddies suddenly started asking you for money, would you think that was ok too? If so, I've got a couple of bridges to sell you and a little tower in Paris. Eiffel, I think it's called..

Originally posted by Player_Supreme:

Forget that nice girl stuff or even the freak who only wants got a straight up HO.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by loser2
I think my gf needs it to make her feel secure. She looks at it as a plan for our future and the saving acct is a first step to realize her dream. She gets all excited when she thinks about saving up to buy a house of our own in the future...
If she NEEDS YOUR hard-earned money to be secure, then she is NOT WORTH YOUR TIME!!

Jesus, man...why do you NEED this girl so much? It's're like a little boy trying to please his mommy. She's JUST A CHICK!!

Explain to me, if you're not planning to marry this girl:
-WHY you would save for HER future

-WHY you would want to buy a house together

-WHY you need to buy HER dreams for her, instead of HER getting off her ass and pursing them on her own

The point is NOT whether she takes the money...the point is that she believes that she even has a RIGHT to it...that she feels she is ENTITLED to put her name on it.

Or maybe it's a power-trip...maybe she wants to tell all her girlfriends about how she got some desperate p*ssy to cave in to putting HER name on HIS money.

Or maybe she's sincere...sincerely messed up in the head and actually thinks this is NORMAL behavior.

Either way, you are working with DAMAGED GOODS.

WHY did you even post here about this if you were so sure it was the right thing to do? You POSTED HERE because your BALLS are telling you, "Whoah! Red flag!! Why in God's name does she want to put her name on your money?"

If you don't believe us, ask ANY ONE of your friends. Ask your co-workers. Ask your family! ASK YOUR PARENTS if you don't believe us...even THEY know the answer to this one.

It doesn't even matter if she's taking the money...she's taking your POWER from you. She's staking a claim to YOUR life. F**k that. And this is coming from the guy who now believes that he should pay on a first date, so it's not like I'm one of these mysogenist clowns that posts here. But NOTHING good has ever come of something like this. If you AREN'T 100% SURE that you're going to get married, there is no reason, NONE, to have a joint account. Don't believe me? See you on Springer. :rolleyes:

Hot Ice

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2002
Reaction score
Without reading anything...

I say:

1) You do not share your money with a girl before you are happily married and plan to spend the REST OF YOUR LIFE with her.
2) You don't need to do anything.
3) Be as free as possible.

PS. squirrels, come to chat in #donjuan

Hot Ice

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2002
Reaction score

Your gf is just a gold digger. Deal with that.
If she can't accept that you ain't giving her any money, it would be best for you to break up with her. Trust me on this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by loser2
I think my gf needs it to make her feel secure. She looks at it as a plan for our future and the saving acct is a first step to realize her dream. She gets all excited when she thinks about saving up to buy a house of our own in the future...
Jeezes friggin Christ, I can already see his next topic in about 6 months or so

'I'm going to kill myself now, my g/f cheated on me, there's nothing left here for me'


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Instead of putting her name on the account, tell her you'll give it to her outright in $100 increments in return for sex favors. When she protests, tell her, "Why, you're being a ***** either way. :D"


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
I can't believe you would even post this question it's so ludicrous.

I agree with one of the previous posts here, I think you have already done it! It's OK though, most people have to learn for themselves the hard way, we all had to at some point. Soon she will tell you that she wants to stay at home while you work, and to buy her a nice house, and a big suv, good luck with all that! Well, you have invested a lot of time in this relationship, a whole year!:rolleyes:

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Whats the point in arguing or telling this guy anything.

He obvioulsy has already opened a joint account and ha s no balls to tell his GF that it's his money.

just read and comprehend for once in your life.

Maybe she isn't a gold-digger(yeah right), and maybe she really thinks this is the way the world now works(moron), but you have to step up to the plate and stand up for yourself.

Whats next, you buy her a car, you pay for the car insurance, you buy her a house, you do this and that, while she's banging the plumber at your home.

Then after a certain number of years in some states, even if your not married, SHE IS ENTITLED to half of what you have because she lived with you and you two were together for a certain amount of time.

Where I live, if you live with a girl for Seven years, she can turn around and sue you for half of what you earned. Even if your not married.

And plenty of women have manipulated the laws to say, they might not have lived with the guy for seven years, but they have stayed with the guy for at least a couple years, if not more, and they have been going with that guy for seven years.

And they've won.

I can see this being you. You might say you don't plan on getting married to this girl, but SAVING MONEY FOR HER FUTURE, SAVING MONEY FOR HER HOUSE, SAVING MONEY FOR HER LOVE, that either sounds like you want to spend your life with her or you are a complete moron.

So if you would rather give your money to your girl for no other reason then because SHE NEEDS YOUR MONEY TO FEEL LOVED BY YOU, then by all means, go ahead and give it to her.

But i protest.

There are plenty of people on this website, including me, who wouldn't mind you handing over about 100 bucks a month for our dreams and futures. I mean hey, if you are that dumb, then hook the rest of us up with some cash.

If she were putting money into the joint account, I'd still protest because you said you weren't planning on marrying her. But she doesn't work and she's just a college chic.

Many of us here have already lived the college life or might currently be living the college life, and we all know what goes on in college. Most guys and girls do not go to college parties and dorms to get married, believe that.

But hey, keep giving her the money and maybe in the future, one of us guys from this site will meet this girl and all your hard earned money will go to us. And after we take all your hard earned money, well give her back to you and then the whole process will continue forever with you. If it's not this girl, it'll be another girl. You don't comprehend how this is stupid.

We've all had friends and family members who leeched off of us over the years. You know what happens to those people, we normally ignore them and stop talking to them.

But I have to give you some advice.

Maybe you just don't have the balls and are that stupid.

So go ahead, open up a joint account. Put the 100 bucks in the account and leave it at that.

Open up another account on your own. Do not tell her you opened this, do not tell anybody. Just go to a bank and open up an account on your own.

Never put any money into the joint account, just put money into your own "secret" account.

With the joint account, apply for online statements instead of statements being mailed to you. If you have to go back to the bank to tell them, then do this without her. Just do this.

Every bank now has online banking, so don't use that as an excuse. Many of us pay our bills entirely online now.

Anyway, never give her the password and all that mumbo jumbo stuff for the online account access. That way you can access your account and she will assume your putting money into it.

But if she does one day find out there is still only $100 bucks in the saving account and freaks out, just tell her, you don't have any extra money. You have too many bills to pay for and blah blah blah.

At this time, If she freaks out because you dont have the money to put into the joint account and you don't dump her, Then I think you should honestly go jump off a bridge. Because you are an idiot.

But if she gets a job and starts putting money into the account, maybe she isn't that bad after all. But I highly doubt that.

Put it this way, there are plenty of women out there today who refuse to have a guy pay for their dinner. Not all are like that, but there are many that are. Your girls stuck in 1952. it's not 1952 by the way, it's 2004.

But i digress. Give me your damn money if you are soo stupid and generous.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2004
Reaction score
Since you're offering....

How about opening a shared account with me and depositing $100 a month? :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
It's official...if you think you're "worthy" of our advice in this matter, you should put OUR names on the account as well. This is to help you secure a good future with women and in general. If you don't it shows you just don't care about our advice.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by loser2
I think my gf needs it to make her feel secure. She looks at it as a plan for our future and the saving acct is a first step to realize her dream. She gets all excited when she thinks about saving up to buy a house of our own in the future...
HER DREAM, your dreams are what you should be worrying about and do not assume you have a future with this gal. If she feels insecure just tell her how much you love her. She wants to buy a house, let her earn the money. If she wants you to save for a house, then do so, but she does not need access to it. It should only be joint if she puts in as much as you.

I am highly against the idea, you have ur whole life ahead of you.