Shall I ask a girl if she's dating another guy in this way?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
I like a girl, but the other day she told me that was gonna have a kinda " date, friend's date” and I replied very inquisitive, who's the guy? she said " It's bla bla bla, he's interested in me, but I am not so interested in him because bla bla bla” and we didnt continue about the topic

I really do not know if she was testing me ... My history is very long with this girl.. I got stuck in friend zone, we fought for it and almost broke as friends,

but she has returned to have contact with me after I decided to have NC with her... In meantime I have tried to make her a bit jealous... I have mentioned that I met other girls, I have placed photos with girls on my "online profile” and I know she has seen it as well as the comments of my new female friends :)

This friday I will meet her and I wanna know what happened with the bastard?

Shall I ask ... Are you still dating that silly guy?

Or is better not to give importance to that ... and she try again to tease her and being flirty ****y and funny...



Don Juan
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
The only effective ways to "ask" about other guys are to do it from a teasing frame or to do it from an advice frame. Anything else is going to convey your interest in a way that, at this point in the relationship, will not be beneficial to your cause.

Example: Bait her into asking if you're seeing someone else / "Yadda yadda I am / She is like "hmm" / "Well, what about you? Are you still with that hunk Mr. Right you were talking about?"

It HAS to be done from a nonreactionary, unaffected, teasing frame. Think about if your buddy was with a sea donkey of a woman and you wanted to let him down gently. This might not be what you logically know to be true as far as her case is concerned, but, you need to compartmentalize your frame and your internal state so you project the right frame and she ends up falling into it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
"Shall I ask a girl if she's dating another guy in this way?"

Whatever your clever idea is, the answer is no IMO.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
Wtf is wrong with you guys asking girls out that work with you and girls that already got a man thats where it ends. I thought I came here to learn something, but most you people are afc to the core.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
tigrecu said:
I like a girl, but the other day she told me that was gonna have a kinda " date, friend's date” and I replied very inquisitive, who's the guy? she said " It's bla bla bla, he's interested in me, but I am not so interested in him because bla bla bla” and we didnt continue about the topic

I really do not know if she was testing me ... My history is very long with this girl.. I got stuck in friend zone, we fought for it and almost broke as friends,

This friday I will meet her and I wanna know what happened with the bastard?

Shall I ask ... Are you still dating that silly guy?

Why are you even going to coffee with her to talk about some other guy if you have feelings for her? If you don't have feelings, then go. If you do, man up and get in there.