shaking hands with women???


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Wouldn't you like to know? ;) said:
when you first meet them?
to me it seems to be a man thing shaking hands...

and if you do shake hands with a girl do you shake with abit of force like you do with your bro's?
TIP OF THE DAY ** Using the Hand Kiss **
In a social setting, even a casual "Happy Hour", kissing the woman'shand instead of shaking it on that first introduction can earn youOODLES of Romance Points in her book.
I do this as a matter of habit, if the lady is at all charming and gives me any hint at all that she won't freak about it. Many years ago, talking with a female friend, the topic came upsomehow. She stated that she'd been talking with several girlfriendsnot too long previously, and they had UNANIMOUSLY agreed thatkissing the lady's hand was the single most romantic gesture that aman could make, and it ALWAYS got their attention when a guy did it.
My personal experience: I have NEVER had a negative reaction froma lady on this. NEVER. You don't have to do the deep bow you see in the movies. You actuallydon't have to bow at all, although a LITTLE bit of one won't hurt. I find it works even better if you can make eye contact at themoment or instantly after. And you get a very quick reading on whether she is used to having her hand kissed or not, based on how quickly she reads the cue that this is your intent and how she rides it.
John Strohm

Here's your answer mate, ;)


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
New Zealand
SilverSonnet said:
TIP OF THE DAY ** Using the Hand Kiss **
In a social setting, even a casual "Happy Hour", kissing the woman'shand instead of shaking it on that first introduction can earn youOODLES of Romance Points in her book.
I do this as a matter of habit, if the lady is at all charming and gives me any hint at all that she won't freak about it. Many years ago, talking with a female friend, the topic came upsomehow. She stated that she'd been talking with several girlfriendsnot too long previously, and they had UNANIMOUSLY agreed thatkissing the lady's hand was the single most romantic gesture that aman could make, and it ALWAYS got their attention when a guy did it.
My personal experience: I have NEVER had a negative reaction froma lady on this. NEVER. You don't have to do the deep bow you see in the movies. You actuallydon't have to bow at all, although a LITTLE bit of one won't hurt. I find it works even better if you can make eye contact at themoment or instantly after. And you get a very quick reading on whether she is used to having her hand kissed or not, based on how quickly she reads the cue that this is your intent and how she rides it.
John Strohm

Here's your answer mate, ;)
Oh damn, I totally forgot that people can do this! Awesome advice.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
SilverSonnet said:
TIP OF THE DAY ** Using the Hand Kiss **
In a social setting, even a casual "Happy Hour", kissing the woman'shand instead of shaking it on that first introduction can earn youOODLES of Romance Points in her book.
I do this as a matter of habit, if the lady is at all charming and gives me any hint at all that she won't freak about it. Many years ago, talking with a female friend, the topic came upsomehow. She stated that she'd been talking with several girlfriendsnot too long previously, and they had UNANIMOUSLY agreed thatkissing the lady's hand was the single most romantic gesture that aman could make, and it ALWAYS got their attention when a guy did it.
My personal experience: I have NEVER had a negative reaction froma lady on this. NEVER. You don't have to do the deep bow you see in the movies. You actuallydon't have to bow at all, although a LITTLE bit of one won't hurt. I find it works even better if you can make eye contact at themoment or instantly after. And you get a very quick reading on whether she is used to having her hand kissed or not, based on how quickly she reads the cue that this is your intent and how she rides it.
John Strohm

Here's your answer mate, ;)

I agree girls like this, but balance it with a some sort of domination cause if your kissing up to them all the time they'll start percieving you as some nice guy lover boy that they can step on. So maybe after the hand kiss don't let her hand go, pull her toward you while at the same time lean and step closer to her and invade her personal zone (you and her seperated by like 5 or 6 inches) act like your gonna kiss her lips but don't, say something like "so what's your name?",all the while keeping eye contact and a smile like you're up to something then back up after about 4 or 5 seconds, she'll definitley have felt your presence and she'll be thinking about what that nonverbal communication meant. She'll be thinking about you. It takes confidence but she'll know that too and that's what attracts females. Then be playful and ****y funny. good luck! works for me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
all these tricks in this thread are stuff guys should do for fun once they're well calibrated. I can picture a lot of newbies coming across like wierdos trying to pull off stuff like in the post above this one

I have a friend who did the hand kiss on some girl at starbucks (he's inexperienced and thought he was being slick). She ended up thinking he was a creep and talking smack to her coworkers after he left

so if you're a newbie, it doesn't matter what you do as a handshake, as long as it's not WIERD. to put a handshake in perspective, how you shake her hand won't matter once you start talking to her, because talking is more indicative of your value. the only way the handshake would matter is if you did something totally low value (AKA WIERD) to blow yourself out and now she doesn't want anything to do with you


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
dfb808 said:
You guys should come to Hawaii, here it is customary to kiss girls you meet =)
What if she has mouth herpes but you didn't see that in the dark... It gets you infected :cool: shake hands gets my :up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
In a social setting, even a casual "Happy Hour", kissing the woman'shand instead of shaking it on that first introduction can earn youOODLES of Romance Points in her book.
I do this as a matter of habit, if the lady is at all charming and gives me any hint at all that she won't freak about it. Many years ago, talking with a female friend, the topic came upsomehow. She stated that she'd been talking with several girlfriendsnot too long previously, and they had UNANIMOUSLY agreed thatkissing the lady's hand was the single most romantic gesture that aman could make, and it ALWAYS got their attention when a guy did it.
My personal experience: I have NEVER had a negative reaction froma lady on this. NEVER. You don't have to do the deep bow you see in the movies. You actuallydon't have to bow at all, although a LITTLE bit of one won't hurt. I find it works even better if you can make eye contact at themoment or instantly after. And you get a very quick reading on whether she is used to having her hand kissed or not, based on how quickly she reads the cue that this is your intent and how she rides it.
Sorry, but thats romanticised Hollywood crap, thats sleazy. You guys are over-analysing far too much. If she offers her hand, shake it, if not, then it's no big deal.

Which do you think she's going to remember more? The amazing guy that had her laughing, wondering, mesmerised when she met him. Or the guy that had an amazing handshake?