drZaius09 said:
The thing is, all this can still be true no matter how many women you're seeing or what kind of importance they have in your life. If youre a man who is indifferent to the bullsh*t, if you just don't care, and you think and act the way you want-- then you can have whatever kind of relationship you want without fear of reprisal (i.e., a controlling, demanding woman). And the fact is you will draw women to you who do not act that way.
Now, conversely, if you're in a relationship where you feel the kind of pressures you've listed above, then you are by definition the same kind of man that ad is targeting. In that case you are the weaker half. You would still be weak whether in the relationship or not, because thats who you are. Simply put, you will attract the kind of woman who will put the screws to you. Women are very perceptive, they know they can get away with it. It's written all over your face. In this case the whole argument of being "free" because you're a bachelor is a moot point. You can choose to be free anyway. You can choose how you will allow women to affect your life at all levels of commitment.
Nice ideals.
Have you ever been married?
Had loads of relationships?
You always have to give something back to make the relationship work.
Granted in an ideal world you would be able to do as you please when you please, actually do it in a relationship it dont work.
You have to be concerend and play the game.
As single there is no game it is do what ever the hell you want to do.
You dont have to worry about:
Shared bills.
Being entertained.
Worrying what she thinks or if she is concerned about you.
You can do what you want with out question and i mean ANYTHING.
You dont have to make excuses.
You dont have to walk the fine line as in 'does my ass look big in this', yes your ass looks big now pass the beer biatch (i wish)!
So saying it is the same guy that they are trying to reach, you missed the point.
Every man in a relationship gives something to it, a batchelor has to give nothing worry about nothing, it is the true Free state of mind.
Granted we want sex, but even that is not so hard to get if you really reach for it.
You cant have a relationship if your not willing to work on it, saying you can do anything is not a relationship.
I can DO ANYTHING i dont have another person in my life to be concerned about, is that wrong.
It feels right to me, why should i be married or be shacked up, i lived that dream, man did i miss being single.
All women come with BS dont be a fool.
There is no perfect women all take attention and a certain type of work, fact is i dont have to worry about any of that cr** i can do what the fu** i want to do when i want.
Also it is not about pressure, why take it past a lvl and make the extreame?
Simply a free state of mind and not having aby other person to be concerend about and fit into a nice so called comfy slot, is Freedom true freedom not slotting into a social model ideal.
Marriage is very much a social conditioning.
Marrige should never be should never have been and tbh it is total fu**king BS the whole sherade.
Yes it is nice to meet a great women, it is also nice to be truely FREE.
But why should we be forced into marriage?
Marriage does nothing but put more strains on an already tested situation, esp' in this day and age.
Well now i dont even have that to worry about.
I have no:
Be concerend about pleasing.
Be ontime.
Be there.
Be here.
Share TV.
Plan nights out.
Plan anything.
Watch my attention lvls.
Worry about cycles.
Concerend about washing, ironing, house work.
Yeh i like to live clean comfortable and i have 100% respect for myslef.
But it is so nice not having to walk in an house and have some person go:
Washing up needs doing!
We need to pay x and x.
I dont like so and so.
Broing conversations.
The need to feel i have to have selective hearing.
Balls to it all here is to true freedom and not giving a sh** about anyone but doing what ever the hell you want to do.