Hi guys,
Just a quick question for you all; Me and my partner have been together for about 9 months, and I've noticed that our sex life has gradually decreases into non existance. I always make the move, and whenever i do she tells me shes tired or dosent feel like it. I mean i understand how it inevetably decreases over time somewhat with any relationship but I cannot help but wonder why she never wants it. She has confessed she has played woth herself etc when im not there... could I be being to eager? Should I abstain from making the move for a while?? Any advice would be much appreciated...
Just a quick question for you all; Me and my partner have been together for about 9 months, and I've noticed that our sex life has gradually decreases into non existance. I always make the move, and whenever i do she tells me shes tired or dosent feel like it. I mean i understand how it inevetably decreases over time somewhat with any relationship but I cannot help but wonder why she never wants it. She has confessed she has played woth herself etc when im not there... could I be being to eager? Should I abstain from making the move for a while?? Any advice would be much appreciated...