Originally posted by dietzcoi
What exactly did she tell you?
She basically said that there was a period in her life about a year ago where she had different guys over a lot. Judging from the pieces of info she's given me over the past couple of months we've been dating she probably fvcked a couple of them and the rest she probably made out with. Messed around with maybe 10 guys last year, maybe about 2 or 3 a month. I've had sex with 7 girls and she told me she's below me. I'm her third boyfriend so that makes 3 guys she's fvcked. So I'm estimating that she had sex with about two, maybe three at the most, of these guys.
I know I know, she could have lied and ****ed all of them, but I highly doubt it cause she's too open about all this sort of shiit. In fact she's too open about EVERYTHING (her past sexual shiet, her cheating on the BF before me, her heavy periosd, her EXes, her $25,000 credit card debt, guys she thinks are hot, blah blah blah), one of the reasons I dumped her last night, aside from some other shiet (some recent disrespect that I ain't tolerating). The "How to Tell When a Relationship is Over" section of the "Book of Shuma Gora" really helped me out in this situation BTW. It really worked like a charm!
Anyway, the relationship's over with, which helps me not give a fvck about it. Also, reading all the posts and DJ Bible, I've learned a lot in the past couple of days.
You should not become emotionally attached to a girl too quick (which I did in this relationship). Furthermore, you should not put women on pedestals like you did when you were an adolescent. You should not expect ANY woman to be a princess who has been waiting for a prince like you to appear all her life. Just go into any relationship with a woman (ONS or LTR) thinking that all women are freaks with big sexual histories, because 99% of them are. Make sure to retain proper detachment as according to the DJ Bible for the first two or three months. If you follow these guidelines, when the biotch reveals this kind of shiet it won't bother you like it did me, and countless others who have been through the same experience.
"The Secret of the Jerk" and "Be a Man" by Pook, along with the "How to Tell When the Relationship is Over" section of the "Book of Shuma Gora" by "Shuma Gora" really helped me out. STUDY, STUDY, STUDY, and APPLY, APPLY, APPLY.