Dear Rollo,
Well May you ask,it is a phenomenum that is far more common than most people are prepared to acknowledge....A kick in the guts I have never recovered from..... My Lady of many years,Mother of two children and in general enjoying a fantastic life chose to jump over the fence to live with two Lesbians....There were no real tell tale signs,she had her Car, plenty of Holidays away,never worked,plenty of Mazooma...First she started to become interested in Yoga,well it started that way then became an obsession....The first thing to go was her beautiful long Ash blonde hair,it just got shorter then shorter until it became what we call a Crew Cut.Once I expressed sadness at her latest haircut,she went the next day and got her Hairdresser to cut it yet shorter....Then she started to neglect her appearance,always dowdy-looking,Once I offered to buy her a new outfit for her Birthday....The response "What to have Men leering at me?".....The next to go was Wine,then came meat,then she became a Vegan....As I had A convalescing Son and two daughters to consider,I had to take on the Cooking duties......Sex,which had previously been exceptionally good,became more and more difficult to negotiate,she got up early,went to bed after I fell asleep,pretended to be asleep....When she did perform the deadly deed it was grudgingly,"Come on hurry up""Hope you got something out of that because I didn't"....Get the Picture?Once after a heated disccussion about her celibacy,she came down to the Breakfast Table with the contact page of our local Rag,she had underlined some of the ads,with little comments like..."She'll fvuck for you"another"this one likes canoeing,could be fun"....Sick Huh?....I blamed Yoga,she used regularly attend Ashrams which cost me about a thousand bucks a time,as she wasn't playing ball with me I closed the joint Cheque account gave her a housekeeping allowance....Her response was to start giving private yoga lessons,the best customers were a pair of wealthy Lesbians,now she had reasons for being out every night,then there were the girls parties,the valuable Jewellry she started wearing....gradually she drifted into the Network...Enough of me...Rollo asks a question,why do they do it?His sources try to answer,inadequately in my opinion,I often muse over this and really have no coherant answer....So I can't really help either....Must say that rumours to the contrary the Lesbians she hung with and the ones I meet today,in general are not the archetypal Fat,Hairy Dykes,but seem in the main very attractive,intelligent Women......Is there an answer?