sexual body language??


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2007
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sexi body language:D

we want to collect a complete collection of male and female courtship gestures, so write every new thing you know and you think it's sexy, girls and guys should help each other here
if you cant exactly express a gesture, use pictures:yawn:

1) what are male sexy gestures ?
2) what are female sexy gestures ?

:D these are what I know...
female preening moves...

1) hip rolling. specially when she is putting on tight clothes
2) Head Toss. to toss hair back over her shoulders and exposing her neck
3) touching one of her breasts with one hand when she gets happy,shoked,etc
4) walking with an obvious shake of the breasts while grabbing her handbag with one hand specially when she has put on no underwear or BRA:nervous:
5) putting one hand on her ass when leaning on a wall or a phone booth
6) touching her ass
7) putting her hand on her hips
8) crossing her legs,while Pointing her knee at a man she desire
9) exposing the smooth soft skin of her wrists
10) slightly open, wet lips

11) leg twine: One leg is pressed firmly against the other to give the appearance of high muscle tone
12) Self Touching: "First, to gain attention to various body parts. girls will rub their upper arms, thighs, hips and waists. Secondly, we touch ourselves to tease the other. Thirdly, when sexually excited, blood is rushing around engorging extremities, making everything supersensitive. Touching ourselves then feels good"
13) The Limp Wrist while walking:nervous:
14) Pelvic Tilt while standing

15) her arms reaching out a little while walking or running. combined with The Limp Wrist
16) Fondling a Cylindrical Object(preferably wet)

17) Sideways Glance Over Raised Shoulder

18) putting her Handbag close to a man(almost as if it's an extension of her body and it's sexier when it's a little open)
19) Entwining her legs and (men can't do this one because their hips are too narrow)

20) do things calling attention to her mouth. Licking her lips,putting on lipstick (girls lick ice cream cones, play with spoons and suck their fingers)

21) doing things calling attention to her backside(e.g. bending over to get in a car or to write sth on an the table,...)
22) expose the armpit(shaved)

23) curved body parts and curved body-movements

24) your steps should not be more than two centimeters! even if you are in a hurry
any of you guys know more?

male preening moves...

1) moveing with grace, swaggering and standing straight with shoulders slightly back
2) He hooks his thumbs into his belt loops with his fingers pointing down to his crotch "cowpoke stance"

3) thrusting his hips forward slightly when leaning up against a wall or a bar

4) takeing up space while standing or sitting
5) Standing straight up, shoulders back, legs shoulder-length apart:nervous:
8) lounging and Slinging his arm around the back of the chair while sitting
9) pointing his body (e.g. his shoulder or his foot at his target)
10) maintaining direct eye contact with a slightly raised eyebrow
11) putting his hands on his hips

12) Chest out, gut in
13) self-grooming, Adjusting his collars, sleeves, socks or Smoothing his hair

14) The raised brow, with a little bit of cheeky smile added in

15) Squinting
16) adjusting or handling his crotch
17) speaking in deeper and more Resonant tones to highlight his masculinity
18) Symbolically stripping: Undoing buttons, loosening ties, removing jackets and pushing up sleeves
19) Glancing at a woman's body,and letting her see him do it, is also a courtship gesture made by males(i dont know,is that right? is it sexy?)
20) When seated in a chair or leaning against a wall, he may sometimes spread his legs to give a crotch display
21) Partly unbuttoned shirts, masculine-smelling colognes, softness of winter sweaters, sleekness of combed back hair, And flashy sports cars are all used by men when courting
22) Men in a courtship situation usually tend to have high muscle tone, that is, body sagging seems to disappear, Stomachs are tucked in a little tighter and chests tend to protrude an little more. It seems that the body assumes a more erect posture than usual
23) Sly winks, accidental touches beneath a business table, gentle rubbing of the back and moving on closer are also considered courtship gestures
24)serving her the eyebrow flash

any of you girls know more?


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2007
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f uck your fuking asses little SLUTs Write anything you know!!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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gasoline said:
17) Sideways Glance Over Raised Shoulder
Pedophile!:nono: :crazy:

Well anyway this is kinda funny. I've recognized most of the ones u were talking about. Cool to have a list I guess. I don't really care. Most of em you just gotta feel it.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2007
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****ed up topic

anyway.. i've writen this JUST for myself


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Female sexy gesture : She grabs your c0ck. Safe to say if she does this, she wants you.:D