Sex With Non Hot Chicks?


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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traffic said:
A lot of chicks say that they are turned off by guys that sleep around.

They can't help liking a guy, whether he's a ****bag or not.

There are tons of HB9's sleeping with scumbags.

There are tons of HB5's who are not.

Have fun. If once every 6 months cuts it for you then fine.

I'd jack my **** right off if I only got it that infrequently.
you're obviously bitter cause you can't game hb9's. could u be any more transparent?


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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PlayToWin said:
This is dead on right. In fact why do you think that these guys sleep around with so many women so much. Because of the fact that they may say they don't like it or they are toolbags, but the girls still date and sleep with them despite what they say.

This is the number 1 situation where the quote of "Watch what women do, not what they say" comes into play. I am sure we have all heard tons and tons of girls say "I thought this guy was the right one, or the nice one, or a good boyfriend, but he cheated on me, or he blew me off, or he hit me" or any other of 1000 bad things. Yet guess what they still normally go back to these guys or guys like them. The AFC mentality makes you think that "If this girl only knew how nice and caring a boyfriend I could be" then she would love me forever and marry me. However like most people have found out on this website is that it will never work like that. That is step 1 in changing your life from an emotional tampon and AFC to becoming a DJ, and it starts with like I said "Watch what women do, not what they say"

Sure girls may say they are turned off by guys who sleep around either presently, but they will say this about some toolbag while meanwhile ****ing the same guy they criticize in the meantime. For 4 reasons mainly:

1. They like the Challenge
2. They want to see what they are missing out on, that other girls are getting.
3. The think that they can come along and "tame" or "change" a toolbag and/or DJ, because then it makes them feel special that a guy would change for them. In the meantime they will keep ****ing him even if he isn't changing.
4. The same things that attracted the other girls the guy is sleeping with attracts them too.
i can think of 5 chicks i know off the top of my head that wouldnt date a guy that sleeps around alot. girls are turned on by alpha male types(confident,strong,intelligent,funny), not by guys that fvck anything with a hole. why do u think the number one question you get from a chick when things get physical is "how many people have you been with?" translation: "are you gonna give me a disease?"


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
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you can't get with hot chicks becuase you live in a small town that only has average to cute girls...LMAO

I say Bull****.......Everyplace in the world has hot girls

maybe you are thinking to highly of yourself. Girls would'nt show interest if they felt they didnt have a chance...If average to cute girls are showing tons of interest...Guess are average to cute also


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
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im in a similar situation. im only into 9's right now. there are plenty of 6.5's available to me right now(not bragging) but its like.........i could bang a 6.5 and afterwards feel like i just jerked off. or just jerk off and not risk getting like d!ck warts or something. u feel me guys? or is it just me?

LOL and how exactly does this rating of girls work LOL I mean a 6.5 to you could be 2.5 for another guy in his eyes

Im sure guys like Brad Pitt, Tom Brady etc would look at a girl you call a 9 and throw up LOL

This rating thing is bullcrap


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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connor32 said:
you're obviously bitter cause you can't game hb9's. could u be any more transparent?

I can't bag HB9's all the time, but I certainly have had them in the past and will again in the future.

In between the HB9's I hit HB'5-8's and I have no regrets. Even the psycho's.

Unlike you I've had sex this week.
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Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
traffic said:
I can't bag HB9's all the time, but I certainly have had them in the past and will again in the future.

In between the HB9's I hit HB'5-8's and I have no regrets. Even the psycho's.

Unlike you I've had sex this week.
unlike u i have standards and i respect myself. i'm glad u had sex this week. so tell us, how is rosie odonnell in bed? i love it when dude's brag about hittin hb5's....hilarious.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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connor32 said:
unlike u i have standards and i respect myself.
I do too. Every girl I get with is a quality girl. Good for you if you only pretty girls make your rank.

Obviously you don't make many HB9's rank if you only get 1 or 2 a decade.:moon:

connor32 said:
i'm glad u had sex this week. so tell us, how is rosie odonnell in bed? i love it when dude's brag about hittin hb5's....hilarious.
I wouldn't fvck Rosie O'donell because of her personality. It sucks.

Of course if she had a great personality I wouldn't either. She's an HB2 on her hottest day.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
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Fvck, I am a virgin, I have these two ugly chicks wanting me. I am not keen at all...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2007
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go bang rosie o donnell

AKA FLEX said:
If you can get your pecker up for her, obviously she's hot enough to get you excited. Don't let the stigma of sleeping with a "non hot" girl stop you. If anyone makes fun of you, just know that you're getting laid and they probably aren't.

An old Bloodhound Gang lyrics comes to mind:

Aw, what do you know? You're probably going home alone
And it wouldn't be the first time that I gave a dog a bone


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
if you're a virgin then banging anything is always a good idea

Deadly_Assassin said:
Fvck, I am a virgin, I have these two ugly chicks wanting me. I am not keen at all...


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2007
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Reminds me of what one of my friends said once lol.

His theory was that if you would do your hand, masturbate, and most guys would probably rate their hands like 0's, wouldn't it be ok to like do 1's or 2's.

Lol he was being serious, it was so stupid haha, but who knows he just might be onto something.....lmao.


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
traffic said:
I do too. Every girl I get with is a quality girl. Good for you if you only pretty girls make your rank.

Obviously you don't make many HB9's rank if you only get 1 or 2 a decade.:moon:

I wouldn't fvck Rosie O'donell because of her personality. It sucks.

Of course if she had a great personality I wouldn't either. She's an HB2 on her hottest day.
thats feel the need to tell us that u wouldnt fvck rosie odonell. lol. sounds like i hit a nerve. makes me think you've been with chicks that are at rosie's level. but that makes you a pimp right? cause with u its about quantity not quality. you like to keep score and make sure u can say "ive had sex this week." i know dudes like you. compensating by bragging about getting laid. and all the while the chicks you were with were wearing paper bags on their heads.

oh and that icon of the little man mooning us is really cute. i'm starting to see your level of intellect. i realize what im dealing with now.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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connor32 said:
thats feel the need to tell us that u wouldnt fvck rosie odonell. lol. sounds like i hit a nerve.
You're the one who brought Rosie up. Do you think she's an HB5? I don't.

connor32 said:
cause with u its about quantity not quality.
Did you even read my post?

I'm done with you. You're a fvcking loser. I bet you've never even been with an HB9. You couldn't even get Rosie if you tried.

Why don't you go back to that porn site you have on the other window and jack off again cause no chick, even an HB2 would fall for your lame personality.

Kid Style

Don Juan
May 16, 2008
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I have to say...if you go out to bang a 6,7, whatever, and you don't have any intimate feelings or interest with her, you better not bang them again and make sure you are prepared to tell her off. These girls are a lot harder to let go since they seem to always want to continue seeing you. After being with a 6.5 after 1 month, I felt really guilty saying to her that I don't have any interest in being with her after she told me she was starting to "love" me. Believe me, this seemed very hard for me to do to her.


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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traffic said:
You're the one who brought Rosie up. Do you think she's an HB5? I don't.

Did you even read my post?

I'm done with you. You're a fvcking loser. I bet you've never even been with an HB9. You couldn't even get Rosie if you tried.

Why don't you go back to that porn site you have on the other window and jack off again cause no chick, even an HB2 would fall for your lame personality.
whoa....someone has issues. way to keep your cool buddy. i was just havin a little fun breakin your balls. i know what would make you feel better. call up up one of your hb5's and give her the best 30 seconds of her life. lol.


New Member
Jul 1, 2008
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edger said:
No. I NEVER settle for a chick I'm not attracted to. Even if I have to suffer for months without sex, I DO NOT SETTLE. I can't settle, because I wouldn't be able to get it up. And even if I did get it up, I wouldn't enjoy it. I'd be wasting my time. I'll stick to the hot escorts and lap dances from hot strippers.
Exactly. Always go for the best, it's much more rewarding when you score :D The agony from the prolonged wait might tempt you to fvck a HB5, but DONT DO IT.