PLEASE HELP -sex with ex-wants to be "friends"
So had two really good dates with ex after 8 week NC - end of 2nd f-close.
Was really good, she was loving it. But then says its going to "confuse her" and make her "attached" so wants to put down rules to be friends - - because of this only did it once (well) I said this morning before she could say that that we shouldn't see each other anymore - essentially push pull right? Thinking NC is better than me seeing her as a friend - and could get her in the chasing frame? She says she misses being close to someone like she is with me. She cried a few times she was so upset about us breaking up (this was last night - before I initiated NC) - very confusing since she was the one that broke us up!?? (she gave vague reasons such as "we want different things from life" - although I've now demonstrated that not to be the case so she corrected herself and said "wanted")
She asked WHY?? Why dont you think we should see each other anymore - what reason can you give? I gave a few like "it will stop you from getting hurt"(imply she is the one that will fall for me) and "I just dont think its good"
She seemed kind of upset about it - "why cant we just be friends?"
How would you respond to that?
Its pretty obvious I dont want to be downgraded to being her friend.
I just realised I basically explicitly stated NC - is that a BIG mistake? If it is, why and what can I do to repair it? Shoud I have just said yeh I'm cool with being friends - and then just gamed the **** out of her?
So had two really good dates with ex after 8 week NC - end of 2nd f-close.
Was really good, she was loving it. But then says its going to "confuse her" and make her "attached" so wants to put down rules to be friends - - because of this only did it once (well) I said this morning before she could say that that we shouldn't see each other anymore - essentially push pull right? Thinking NC is better than me seeing her as a friend - and could get her in the chasing frame? She says she misses being close to someone like she is with me. She cried a few times she was so upset about us breaking up (this was last night - before I initiated NC) - very confusing since she was the one that broke us up!?? (she gave vague reasons such as "we want different things from life" - although I've now demonstrated that not to be the case so she corrected herself and said "wanted")
She asked WHY?? Why dont you think we should see each other anymore - what reason can you give? I gave a few like "it will stop you from getting hurt"(imply she is the one that will fall for me) and "I just dont think its good"
She seemed kind of upset about it - "why cant we just be friends?"
How would you respond to that?
Its pretty obvious I dont want to be downgraded to being her friend.
I just realised I basically explicitly stated NC - is that a BIG mistake? If it is, why and what can I do to repair it? Shoud I have just said yeh I'm cool with being friends - and then just gamed the **** out of her?
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