You guys are giving noseguard a nosebleed! What he is saying is not far-fetched and true in many respects - and it actually has been the societal norm in every country and every culture for thousands of years until the most recent decades.
Celibacy before sex was the norm amongst women since the beginning of time!!
Even today in Africa, India, Asia, And the Arab world and especially in Muslim countries people do not believe in sex before marriage - they want and expect 'virgin' wives.
The recent trend in the past few decades of 'sexually sampling' your future wife was only common and was introduced by American/European peoples and in America it was initiated by the feminist movement.
To equate themselves with men, masculine thinking women showed their independence and power through/by ‘giving up’ the vagina (sex) at will – it was something that they can control and manipulate men with/by - especially after the introduction of the birth control pill!
Actually, that most sexual relationships fail is a true statement! Obviously if the average guy has 12 partners before marriage then this tells you that he never stayed with her to marry her. So 11 out of the 12 sexual encounters failed and did not last. And the 12th one will most likely end in divorce. Most sex today is for lustful purposes and not to 'test' before marriage.
Sex has become a 'casual cheap thing in the last decades and not a serious consideration to solely be used to create a spiritual bond between the two involved. When sex is overused with many partners it becomes nothing 'special' between the two and it loses its’ appeal and meaning!
It is a woman's duty to have sex with her husband, if she doesn't want to then this is a good reason for an immediate divorce. Actually sex before marriage doesn't give you an indication of her frequency or quality of the sex after marriage - because physical attraction is usually lost after years of marriage and after giving birth to kids when she gets fat.
From what I hear from millions of men - "sex stops or dramatically drops after marriage!!!!" Thus pre-marital sex does not really signify anything about compatibility or her enjoyment of sex after marriage because she most likely as a wife will only give it up when she wants too - it will become a 'control' mechanism.
Many guys complain that their girl wanted sex 5 times a week as a girlfriend but after they got married it was 5 times a year.
Hos manipulate and trap men with sex before marriage and they pretend they enjoy it much more than they really do and they purposely increase the frequency of sex if they want to trap the guy into marriage because the fool thinks that she will enjoy it and give it up with the same frequency after marriage – WRONG!!!!
It is the man's sexual lust that gets him into the marriage trap and the woman knows that men thinking with their penis (as they say) is the man’s weakness and she uses her vagina to her advantage and to the man’s demise!! Just ask the guys who have been married and divorced and are not screaming FOUL and “I’ve been duped, bamboozled, deceived, misled, fooled” and then give up half of their wealth to the ho they married!
Where is DJ Dietzcoi to bear witness?
Noseguard’s question of “Does sex ruin relationships?” is a valid one based on solid evidence of the past few decades. Sex clouds the issue of why the two should join as one and instead of looking at marriage as a spiritual and physical union, it is mainly looked at as a sexual and only ‘physical’ union!
We fall in lust with the vagina and do not fall in love with her for her feminine womanly qualities! WE ARE BLINDED BY SEX!!! Men come to recognize this and 'wake up' only when the divorce proceedings begin and then (too late) ask themselves "Why did I marry this ho!!"
You were blinded by your lust and didn't see her true warped selfish character as a woman because the sex was 'good' and this was imortant to you as a prerequisite before marriage!! Sex ruins relationships because it redirects the focus and importance of being together as a man and a woman. Sex should be something that 'adds' to the bonding of the relationship/marriage and not the purpose of the relationship/marriage.
The appeal of sex will eventually fade and lose its luster (no pun intended) and then what else will there be to keep the two together??? NOTHING - this is a formula for disaster!!!
When the sex is no longer ‘good’ or stops then the marriage inevitably fails since it was not built upon solid factors that will keep the marriage together – it was mostly based on sexual bliss and lustful infatuation that was falsely perceived through PRE-MARITAL SEX!!!
DJ’s, don’t get trapped by the pvssy!!!!!!!
Ever since women have so openly embraced pre-marital sex has the divorce rate skyrocketed in the last 50 years. There is a correlation – the institution of marriage has lost its luster and significance because of sexual relations before marriage.
For all the DJ ‘players’ the reasoning above doesn’t apply to you – those who will never get married go by the mantra “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free!!”
But an interesting question to all the ‘players’ is…
IF women didn’t give up their vaginas until they got married, would you be single and obviously be celibate all your life or would you give-in to the institution of marriage???.
I know for a fact all you horny players would be lining up for marriage or be giving your hard-earned money to the local hor-house at $200 a pop!!! You know not to long ago it used to be this way and it was not just a rhetorical question!
The average woman today is a hor and her promiscuity and offer of 'free sex' has severely hurt the 'pay for sex' prostitution business and the institution of marriage!!