This might not be being picky though, it is most likely manipulation. A woman will often look for flaws and point them in men they are intimidated by, this is done to bring you down both in her eyes and yours, it is like a 'frame'. If you truly are that strong and fit, then this is what it is, it is just a game to bring you down. If a woman is intimidated by a guy and there is nothing from them to gain, they will often just try to bring him down, in doing so they will elevate lower quality guys relatively.
Ugly women again are being elevated highly by women, it is to put the value of all woman and thus themselves higher. It is to make the average woman feel good about herself that she elevates the lower women above men, but she will never elevate the lower women above herself. These are all the hanstering, ego and self-image manipulations women use to FEEL good about themselves.
Women are stupid cos they believe their ego is reality. They feel above by bringing men down, but no one can progress or be truly above if it done by bringing others down but it has to be elevation of oneself.
This whole society we live in is driven by a womans ego, all her choices are driven by that, but she is elevating her ego by bringing men down, and men are playing into it, hence this whole society is falling down fast.