Don Juan
we've had some great nights where we'd have sex fests, that lasted all night long and we'd have sex 4-5 times. But thats died out and that only really happens when we get drunk. Since then, its been maybe 3-4 times a week at most and I have to almost always initiate it. Now for the last month its been hard as hell to get anything. She is affectionate with kissing but when it comes to anything sexual she deosnt want anything to do with it. She sometimes goes to sleep early, or makes up activities she wants to do instead of sex. For the past month its been sex once a week, and id have to really try hard to co-erce her into it, not only that but its really bad sex.
I dont know whats wrong now.. I ask her whats going on and shes just not in the mood, or deosnt want it etc shes not sexual at all all of a sudden. I dont kknow wtf to do, its really bothering me.
Also I want to mention shes not cheating on me... just for anyone whos thinking that.. she couldnt even if she tried. We live together, we spend 24/7 with each other pretty much etc. We live in on a small campus etc list goes on.
I think shes not as sexually attracted to me as she should be.. and its wierd because she has always been. The thing is, even when im slowly kissing her and trying to get her in the mood, she tries to be funny making fart noises, or talking about what shes gonna buy, or she starts rambling trying to get me off her and not have sex. Its so frustrating and annoying. Ive tried everything, by being cold and waiting for her to initiate, by builing it up, by candle light etc, everything deosnt work.
i dunno..
I dont know whats wrong now.. I ask her whats going on and shes just not in the mood, or deosnt want it etc shes not sexual at all all of a sudden. I dont kknow wtf to do, its really bothering me.
Also I want to mention shes not cheating on me... just for anyone whos thinking that.. she couldnt even if she tried. We live together, we spend 24/7 with each other pretty much etc. We live in on a small campus etc list goes on.
I think shes not as sexually attracted to me as she should be.. and its wierd because she has always been. The thing is, even when im slowly kissing her and trying to get her in the mood, she tries to be funny making fart noises, or talking about what shes gonna buy, or she starts rambling trying to get me off her and not have sex. Its so frustrating and annoying. Ive tried everything, by being cold and waiting for her to initiate, by builing it up, by candle light etc, everything deosnt work.
i dunno..