Set the pitch, Do I chase?


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Whats up men. It's been a while but I got a plate right now that I need some help on. I posted in the Don Juan forum.. But forgot to post it here.

So here it goes. Met this chick (shes 26) last week and took her out this past week. Things went well. I called her back and she came over this past friday night and hung out for 3 hours. Made out w/ her, but thats IT, for now atleast.

The chick always responds to my calls/texts, BUT she NEVER calls me.. I always have to call and set something up.

I guess my question is -- Am I really chasing her (which I dont wanna do) by Initiating contact etc... I do not want to become clingy.

Whats the deal? How do I play this cool.;)


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
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Calling a woman for a date is not 'chasing'--it's being confident and assertive.

A quality woman is simply NOT going to call you and do YOUR job for you, no matter how interested he is. Your job is to keep calling her, inviting her out, and escalating. Her job is to keep accepting dates and allowing you to slowly escalate.

You would only be 'chasing' if she repeatedly turned you down with no counteroffer. Don't take some of this DJ stuff too literally--you usually have to at least create the ILLUSION of courting a girl in the early stages.

Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Jeffst1980 said:
A quality woman is simply NOT going to call you and do YOUR job for you, no matter how interested she is. Your job is to keep calling her, inviting her out, and escalating. Her job is to keep accepting dates and allowing you to slowly escalate.
Agreed !
Women who know their high market value will rarely go gaga just because you action some DJ tactics that you read here.. Do not be naive enough to believe that practising the DD stuff will result in women falling all over you the next time you head out. It just does not work like that inspite of the promotional reports which suggest otherwise.
A "quality " woman is not a pushover. Neither is she a likely candidate to be a FWB. Women who know their worth will expect YOU to court them in a more traditional way. They do not give up the merchandise just because you make them laugh for a half hour . Quality women seek men of VALUE.
These quality women show their interest by accepting your invitation to dates . As long as she is saying "yes" to your suggestions and only offering mild or token resistance to your escalation, then she is yours - be patient.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2003
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jophil28 said:
These quality women show their interest by accepting your invitation to dates . As long as she is saying "yes" to your suggestions and only offering mild or token resistance to your escalation, then she is yours - be patient.
Right, and honestly, would we want it any other way?

If a woman is actively calling ME, in the initial stages, her value is going down in my eyes. Men are hunters. We like to hunt. If she's just flopping over for no good reason, before I even bring out the big guns, I'm not enjoying myself.

I will say that this changes AFTER you've had sex with a woman. If you're a good lover, then she would definitely have a reason to call you once a week or so. But before you first have sex, it's as jophil28 put it, as long as she is saying "yes" and not "no", "i'm busy", "call back later" etc. then you're fine.

JUAN the Great

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Mercenary said:
Right, and honestly, would we want it any other way?

If a woman is actively calling ME, in the initial stages, her value is going down in my eyes. Men are hunters. We like to hunt. If she's just flopping over for no good reason, before I even bring out the big guns, I'm not enjoying myself.

I will say that this changes AFTER you've had sex with a woman. If you're a good lover, then she would definitely have a reason to call you once a week or so. But before you first have sex, it's as jophil28 put it, as long as she is saying "yes" and not "no", "i'm busy", "call back later" etc. then you're fine.
Just because a woman is hard to game and plays hard to get does not mean that she is quality. The point here is too game chicks not hunt for MOBY ****. The art of seduction states: Seduce those who are open to your seductions; problems arise when you try to seduce those who are not accepting of your ploys.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2003
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JUAN the Great said:
Just because a woman is hard to game and plays hard to get does not mean that she is quality. The point here is too game chicks not hunt for MOBY ****. The art of seduction states: Seduce those who are open to your seductions; problems arise when you try to seduce those who are not accepting of your ploys.
I agree completely, but that wasn't what I was trying to say.
I was trying to say that the converse is true: If a woman is really easy to get (like she's the one calling you) then that means she's of poor quality.

As to not get off topic then... maybe GolfGuru should cease to contact this woman for a while to turn the tables.

The art of seduction also states: Give them space to fall. If your targets become too used to you as the aggressor, they will give less of their own energy, and the tension will slacken.



Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Mercenary said:
I was trying to say that the converse is true: If a woman is really easy to get (like she's the one calling you) then that means she's of poor quality.
True, that - if she is calling you frequently from day one or two she will do exactly the same to the next guy who presses one of her buttons. Women like this are "fvck and chuck " only. Suitable LTR women do not act this way.
I do not want a woman in my life who falls on her back with her legs in the air on the first or second date. If she does this, then she does this habitually - this is her way , her style.

Not what I call quality .


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Tnx for the replies fellas. It would be nice to throw some info about her (whatever I know so far) She seems like a real traditional quiet women. Very low maintenance as well. BTW - I set up another date for Wed.

I guess I'm just confused because I've been reading a lot of Doc Love and all his stuff on being a challenge, not calling etc...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
Weave her in when YOU want to see her. Not the other way around. Just make sure that your calls and meetings are completely random. If you start a precedent by dating "every Wednesday night" thats a problem in my book. Randomize it, and weave it around your sched.

Also what works wonders is if you can leave little notes on her windshield, in her doorway etc. Do stuff when she leasts expects it....key is when YOU feel like it.