Set a girl straight, early....


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
So yeah, I am at work today and a girl was texting this guy. I was talking to her and was like, who ya texting? (BTW, I have no interest in this girl, I can safely call friend zone on her)

Her- My Ex
Me- Oh
Her- Yeah, he wants me to come over to his house after work
Me- What did you say?
Her- No.
Me- You just flat out said no?
Her- Yeah. Im not going over there.
Me- Well, at least your honest and didn't make up some excuse like "im busy"

I walk away thinking man, I wish girls would be straight like that with all guys, it might tough, but at least she doesn't give him false hope, like Im busy, maybe some other time, cause a lot of other guys will actually think that means some other time... when it doesn't...

About 5 Mins later...

Her- This will cheer him up
Me- Whats that?
Her- I am texting him "Yeah, I still like you, your just too good for me"
Me- You can't say that to him!
Her- Yeah I can

I was annoyed. I know the guy, I don't like him, but its obvious that he still likes her, and that she is giving him false hope by saying that.

That really annoys me. And she knows that will "lead him on." I know not all girls are like that, but I've met plenty who are full of excuses when it comes to going out.

Its really annoying, I would rather the girl just say "no, I don't want to go out with you" rather than pull an dumb excuse out of their butt--- ESPECIALLY after you ask them out more than once.

I called it on one girl- She was saying, ask me that day (and it was 3 days away) and I'll tell you if im busy that day. I just said- right, you mean so you can go home, FIND something to do that day, and bump me to the back of your list of things to do. Her- No really, I might be busy.

The next day I text her - Hey sorry, I know I said I'd take you out, but something came up, can't make it.
her- What came up?
me- Decided to hang with other people.

She annoyed me that much, I almost never speak to the girl anymore, but I would have been cool if she just told me that she didn't want to.

So heres a question. I am talking to this chick right now, I've mentioned her in several other threads---

I want to just tell her not to play these dumb games with me, for future reference, and if she loses attraction for me and doesn't like me anymore, or don't want to go out, tell me, and don't lead me on (like chicks are famous for...) I just want to make it clear she can be honest with me. This sounds like a bad idea though :-\ I want to set her straight early so she doesn't waste my time...


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
girls dont know what they are doing

Hey man I had a girlfriend she was an HB8 we started dating at the beginning of summer. SHe was Hot! Well our relationship started out and it was mostly about hooking up but we tried to give the relationship thing a try. I told her exactly what you want to do. I said listen lets be honest and if anything ever comes up like you have a problem or you don't want to be in a relationship or whatever then tell me. This girl recently broke up with me out of no where. There are reasons for this like me making a ton of mistakes with being clingy, and just too nice.

I was kind of pissed about the break up but I understand why. I appreciate the girl for doing it when she did and not leading me on wasting my time. She straight up told me what I did wrong and now im kicking myself because I'm making the dumb mistakes I read not to do on this website. Honesty is the way to go