Seriously need your advice...


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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Ya, you have her. Now stop over thinking. No more posting until you have a good lay report :)


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
AlphaGhost said:
OP, Make a move before its too late. Your probably extremely shy because this girl is making all the moves and it seems like your a virgin. Look past that, you have established a weak frame with this girl already and by the way she is with you you can tell she is experienced. She is doing all the things that a normal guy would automatically go for sex.

You don't want to pedalize ever! Which is what your doing now, but since you have no experience, guess you gotta go thru it once
You have seen right my friend. Thank you for the advice.. I am not sure if I am ready for sex and she has been so good with me so far that I don't think it would be a problem for her but I just don't want to go too fast.. I really like her a lot and I want this to work out well.

Sonny Knight

Don Juan
Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
you better hope and pray that this young lady is benevolent (i pray to god for your sake) because she has all the power in your relationship

but good luck


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
Sandow said:
Ya, you have her. Now stop over thinking. No more posting until you have a good lay report :)
So I spent the night at her place Thursday and aftdr making out for long minutes, we went to her bed room and had passionate love making for about an hour and a half (preliminaries included). She really seemed to enjoy it very much, she told me right after "wooow, I should invite you more often... You actually made me dizzy"

Then we went back to sleep and she couldn't stop kissing me so she got back on top of me to continue kissing and touching until she decided to stop before we do it again because I was waking up in a few hours for work.

She told me she loves being with me, she had a hard time letting me get out of the car to go to work. She also said her weekend would be so long without me (I will be out of town with friend). She texted me later that she wish she could cuddle with me in bed all morning.

Seriously, I have never experienced such intense feelings with another person, this is unbelievably amazing. Now I can't stop thinking about her and I can't wait to see her!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
borealis said:
So I spent the night at her place Thursday and aftdr making out for long minutes, we went to her bed room and had passionate love making for about an hour and a half (preliminaries included). She really seemed to enjoy it very much, she told me right after "wooow, I should invite you more often... You actually made me dizzy"

Then we went back to sleep and she couldn't stop kissing me so she got back on top of me to continue kissing and touching until she decided to stop before we do it again because I was waking up in a few hours for work.

She told me she loves being with me, she had a hard time letting me get out of the car to go to work. She also said her weekend would be so long without me (I will be out of town with friend). She texted me later that she wish she could cuddle with me in bed all morning.

Seriously, I have never experienced such intense feelings with another person, this is unbelievably amazing. Now I can't stop thinking about her and I can't wait to see her!

First, congrats on the bang and with a chick that really seems to like you (so far and from the appearances of things).

Second, you are clearly inexperienced and naive. Go back and read the entire thread again. When you do, listen carefully to some of the warnings guys are giving you here. Don't become a cynic, just aware and cautious.

* She's in control. Either she'll grow to resent you for this or become a controlling manipulate shrew. You need to assert some decision-making and leadership.

* You've totally lost control of your feelings for this woman. This will usually lead to others seeing the situation more clearly than you. When problems arise, and they will, you may come to this board for advice. Listen to it carefully because guys here have been through a TON of crap with women and the experienced ones know of what they speak.

* Go to Chateau Hartiste. Read the 16 Commandments of Poon. Now.

* Do not overly fawn over or gush to this woman. It will work in the early stages but it will eventually push her away.

* Maintain some interests and hobbies outside of her. Be unavailable once in a while because you are mountain climbing, fishing, working out, whatever. She'll like you for it more. Become a man of substance.

* Keep in mind that in today's day and age, relationships rarely develop the way your's has. Women are fickle and demanding and will next a guy at the drop of a hat. Either your woman is extraordinary by today's standards, or she has an agenda, or is deeply damaged and has hidden it well. Guard your heart until you are 100% sure her motives are legit.

Good luck

Sonny Knight

Don Juan
Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
HalfPUAHalfAFC said:

First, congrats on the bang and with a chick that really seems to like you (so far and from the appearances of things).

Second, you are clearly inexperienced and naive. Go back and read the entire thread again. When you do, listen carefully to some of the warnings guys are giving you here. Don't become a cynic, just aware and cautious.

* She's in control. Either she'll grow to resent you for this or become a controlling manipulate shrew. You need to assert some decision-making and leadership.

* You've totally lost control of your feelings for this woman. This will usually lead to others seeing the situation more clearly than you. When problems arise, and they will, you may come to this board for advice. Listen to it carefully because guys here have been through a TON of crap with women and the experienced ones know of what they speak.

* Go to Chateau Hartiste. Read the 16 Commandments of Poon. Now.

* Do not overly fawn over or gush to this woman. It will work in the early stages but it will eventually push her away.

* Maintain some interests and hobbies outside of her. Be unavailable once in a while because you are mountain climbing, fishing, working out, whatever. She'll like you for it more. Become a man of substance.

* Keep in mind that in today's day and age, relationships rarely develop the way your's has. Women are fickle and demanding and will next a guy at the drop of a hat. Either your woman is extraordinary by today's standards, or she has an agenda, or is deeply damaged and has hidden it well. Guard your heart until you are 100% sure her motives are legit.

Good luck
he just can't be helped right now he's a AFC in love
his beginners luck will run out
he can't even closed the deal
he's suffering from new pvssy fever


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Sonny Knight said:
he just can't be helped right now he's a AFC in love
his beginners luck will run out
he can't even closed the deal
he's suffering from new pvssy fever
Sonnyknight, you are correct. I was trying to give him some foreshadowing of what might be down the road.

Also, now reading his posts over, I do wonder if she might be playing him. I hate to be such a cynical bastard.... maybe she's being honest, true, forthright, etc. and she's way into him.

But, from the way he's acted, it is RARE an American woman remains attracted to and pursues a guy with so little balls, leadership, and experience.

Maybe she's attracted his innocence and lack of female history.

That said, YO, BOREALIS, do you have money?

Has she had a period since you've been with her?

Are you wearing your party hat when you bang?

If his relationship is developing all pure and innocent like, I'd hate to plant suspicions in his mind. He's so damn raw on all this.

But, knowing how woman have manipulated men for nefarious reasons, I'd hate to see him screwed over here. He's like putty in her hands and that's a dangerous place to be.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
Hello guys... I am here for an update!

It's been almost two months since we started going out together, and it is getting more and more serious. This girl is the real deal, even my friends can't believe how great and passionate she is. One of them said "I thought girls like this one didn't exist..."

Anyways... So, we see each other maybe one or two times a week. I spent a few nights at her place, and it has been nothing else but very intense and romantic. She keeps telling me how she likes being with me and she never thought it would have worked out so well when she first wrote to me. She also told me she is very lucky to have found me.

She texts me every day, just to let me know that she is thinking about me. She changed her status to in relationship with me a few weeks ago on facebook because she said she is so happy with me that she wants to let everybody know.

I know most of you will just tell me I should relax and that the girl is probably damaged or something like that, but I truly believe she is legit and sincere.

She invited me to her place to sleep tomorrow after her work, so I am going to meet her somewhere at 22:45. We will spend the whole day together and will be going to see an exposition at the museum.

I am extremely happy with this girl so far, and I am having lots of fun. I never thought this situation to be possible, hell, I can't even believe it yet.

Thanks to everyone who gave me advice.