Doesn't sound anything out of the ordinary. All crazy / mean / manipulative / dysfunctional women seem very sweet, defenseless, victimized, and in need of saving. Falling for ze ol' damsel in distress, and sympathizing with her through everything. She has issues, seeks out these kind of people, and surrounds herself with crap - which she dishes back and is herself.
Notice when she's most responsive to you. She's attracted to unavailable, abusive men who don't care about her, and whom she demands the approval of. She also needs a feeling of walking on egg shells, impending abandonment, neglect, drama, etc - which she's creating with you. This is NORMAL behavior to her.
People mistake craziness and dysfunctionality for "testing", "fear", "confusion", and all this **** - when they're simply just crazy and dysfunctional. This is how they behave, what they respond / are attracted to, seek after, and CREATE. You can't save them from their own chaos. Because you're not crazy - you view everything from a rational standpoint. As well, you are sympathizing with RED FLAGS.
The crazy damsel's always seem like helpless victims in need of saving - but they create and seek out all this turmoil. They NEED drama, failure, rejection, negativity, stress, uncertainty, and to be the victim. That's why they end up in all these chaotic, unhealthy, abusive relationships, and cause massive problems when there are none. You're sympathizing with, and trying to save her from the same thing she creates. This is futile. She's a trainwreck, and ALL of the signs are there.
I also wouldn't be so foolish as to believe everything she says. She's making it out like she's innocent and victimized in everything, but she probably caused a lot of problems - which led to these toxic experiences. If you stick with her long enough, you'll see just how innocent she isn't - and how crazy she is. The same patterns that have ALWAYS OCCURED are going to be replayed with you. And she'll play the victim and blame you for everything; over-exaggerate how horrible you are, and make you seem like Satan incarnate.
This is how crazies operate. They do the same **** with EVERYONE, because the problem is THEM. You just don't see it when you're sympathizing and having your head in the clouds - even as these cracks of impending CRAZY are peeking through every step of the way. Don't feel sorry for, give the benefit of the doubt to, or make up excuses for her, or you're going to get sucked right into the chaos. Watch closely for abnormal, unhealthy behavior, and recognize the danger ahead. It's all going to explode in your face, anyway, and you'll be the next victim. :moon:
Edit: Didn't see your follow up. Yup - that's how they are. They play the role of a sweet and innocent victim in need of love, and have the beauty to build themselves up as perfect angels, but they're cruel, manipulative, evil *****es of the worst kind. And crazy.
But when you act like a ****y badass, or whatever, this is the kind of women you're going to attract. They FLOCK to abusive, ****y, unavailable men - because they're dysfunctional themselves.