Separating the girls in class: those who like you and those that are friendly?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2005
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Anyway i dont know what to do anymore.

I'm having a hard time discerning the two types of girls. I mean some may make it appear more obvious what their intentions are than others. While some just dont send you any signals and wait for you to go over and say hi every time, yet there's a good connection and you feel the both of you get along well.

Anyway for example, last week i # closed this chick and suggested a get together. She said she was busy this week, ok i figure ill try again next week.

Then today i have class with her, when im aloof, she's aloof. Anyway everyone brought in something to present to the class, i presented what i brought in, everyone was paying attention except her. She was looking down at her notes or something, seeming disinterested.

Ok, later on in class we're critiquing work. I say what i have to about mine, and anytime i speak she immediately turns her head over to look.

Ok, end of class. She's with this guy looking at his work and speaking to him. So anyway i leave class, crossing her path. "see you later, jane." with a pat on her arm. Then as im out the door, she stops me and asks what's due tomorrow in class. I tell her and leave.

But anyway this girl is tricky. Me and her have been playing the aloof game since school started. But a lot of times we've gotten along pretty well and she often seems responsive when i speak to her. Much more responsive than other guys in our class. Well anyway seems like we're back to point A.

Yes..tricky, how do i discern types like her, are these types interested or just beating around the bush (which simply just like to mess with guy's heads).

I'd say this happens to me quite often.
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New Member
Oct 1, 2005
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I am sort of in a similar situation.
Except that I am a girl in the same position of the gal from your story.
Basically, they will do this to you because they are unsure if you are totally interested in them, and are to shy/scared of rejection to do something bold about it. She ignores you sometimes 'cause she doesn't want to seem to obvious or desperate for your attention. But deep down, she is probably dying for you to ask her out again.
You should try again, and if she says no again, move on. She either doesn't like you, or is genuinely busy. Either way, you will get to move on to some other lovely lady, and if she did like you, she will become jelous and more assertive.
Good luck!!


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
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Ask her to go with you to get a cup of coffee immediately after class. If she says no then move on. You've already given her one chance, she needs to quit playing games.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
You need to ask out many girls and you need to just play the number game for a bit. Stop with this onetis fix on this chick. Ask her out and be a man. You are thinking about this too much.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
in today's class, she came in and sat next to the other guy in our row. Normally she'd sit next to me or between me and him. But today was different. She did say hi when she had to go on the comp next to me to check her files. I said hi and asked how she was doing.

i'll call it quits, it's been a week and i've already lost interest in her. Plus whatever's she's trying to do or isnt trying to do i dont care anymore

Funny really, if they reject my first attempt usually i cant help but to lose IL.


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
sit beside the ones youre friends with 90% of the time...the ones that "like" you will catch your eye/make eye contact when you scan the room