Turbolqk said:
I think youre taking everything too seriously, you need to relax and have fun. Realise that these traits you want to have, they imprison your mind. Imo before you start approaching and stuff you should change your frame. Its not easy, beleve me. As Pook said, few can change the way they think. But really, the way you think is basically a bunch of habbits, they can be changed. So that girl called you guys faggots. So what? Do not give a $hit. Getting emotional is a sign of weakness = disrespect. And no, girls wont think youre a fag if you dont approach. Have fun! Oh and just to add, don't really make that perfect version of yourself in your mind, trying to be it. That will just make you insecure. Beleve me, I used to be insecure and it sucks

. Read the book "The power of Now", will teach you how to turn that stupid voice in your head off.
I was just using that anger so that I actually take action. Once I have done two to three approaches, it'll be just fun.
Anyways Updates:
Did not post anything because of the festive week and my stitch. My parents didnt allow me to go anywhere because of concern so yeah havent been anywhere. But today my stitch were cut as my wound has healed and finally I can shampoo my hairs again after 12 days! However, I earned whole time in holidays.
Also, I got a tuxedo as a Diwali Gift and man I really felt awesome when I tried it on! Tuxedos do feel awesome.
I can finally work out again. Today I woke up at 5 am to go for a run, and then kept questioning myself if I should or should not go. And then I decided that I should just sleep and then get ready for school. I shall not focus too much on body atm. I cant wake up at 5 am... but I do know that if I start doing it for say a week, it'll become a habit. Not sure what to do.
About Self Improvement:
I've set my mindset to be best pixel artist. Best at everything! Saying wont make a difference though, I shall make it happen.
My exgirlfriend studies is in the same school and 12th standard but different section. We crossed each other today and she kept staring at me. And many a times indirectly but I caught her haha. I think she sees the difference in me, she might regret and ponder of how much I've changed how awesome I've become - way better than before! I checked my old pics on facebook and damn man, I laughed when I looked at my old self. Haha I've improved so much, but I have a lot more areas to improve in.
I am so surprised about how much SoSuave has changed me, how it has changed my mindset about girls and women. How much some serials have got into my mind, however at many points it has gone way too far, I must say. Now I dont see women as goddesses, but mere creatures. Now, I cant handle a disrespect from a girl but anyone. I am much more confident while talking to girls. I see how girls are craving for sex, how they present themselves to guys and how they crave for attention. You just show them attitude and they melt. Some of them are my experiences and some have been proven through observations and stories of friends.
Today I finally started to re read Awaken the Giant Within after procrastinating for so long because I had to write some of my problems and had to find their solutions. Today I just grabbed a pen and my notebook, I kept writing as the author told me to. He asked me to write some of the things that I should do but I've been putting them off. I wrote four such things. He then asked me to write why I havent, pain associated with it, pleasure associated with not doing it. And I wrote it:
1. Fapping
Why - Instant Pleasure
Pain - Urge that couldnt be resisted.
Pleasure - INstant One
2. Cold Approaching
Why - Afraid of Rejection and Lack of Girls in Locality
Pain - None as never cold approached and thus never had a girlfriend.
Pleasure - No Rejection
Although I've mentioned about my ex but I wouldnt even consider it a relationship, as I was too dumb that time to consider it as 'Love' when I was 14, and just wanted to spend time with her. We never kissed however she had many boy friends in past and she was very much experienced in all these matters. She even encouraged me a lot of times to talk to more girls and more freely, but I guess I was just too fearful at that time.
3. Following my Schedule
Why - Laziness
Pain - Less time to be on computer...(weird excuse I know but had to write pain associated with it)
Pleasure - Not losing energy.
4. Never Expressing My Ideas/Feelings etc (Being Introvert)
Why - 'What People will think of me' However this has changed so much as I express myself. And when I start questioning myself I repeat Eminem's words "I am doing this for me so **** the world, feed it beans it's gassed up if things stopping me"
Pain - Called me Dumbo once for expressing myself.
Pleasure - No one makes fun of me.
However I know they do at my back because they think I am still a dumbo, as I dont express myself too much. I know I am humorous, trendy and what not. I am as good as them if not better...
When I wrote this I realized that all of this is inter-related somehow. And most of the pain I've wrote is nothing but my own creations as they havent happened but what I think might happen. There's one more point to be written but I didnt have time to read the book more so didnt write it. I'll continue with this book tomorrow once again. I must say, that these books really can change your life.
I had sent some PMs to NorwegianDJ, and he said about some of the examples of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Improvements and he had said that I should focus more on Intrinsic Improvements. I am almost daily doing my prayers and meditation for half an hour. And all that I realize from them is that they make you calm. I am also reading newspapers daily to improve my knowledge. I am reading Awaken the Giant Within to improve confidence but nothing to have more life experiences.
To have more life experiences, it all boils down to having more friends and party crew. I know I have said it many times that I am going to have more friends but I dont want to say it now. What's the use of just saying. I have to actually do it.
There's a girl at my coaching who looks kinda cute and on Facebook, she gets almost 150 likes(a bit more average for girls) so I think maybe I should ask her out for date. What do you guys say?
DanZy said:
Don't be stupid mate. Watching porn to raise test levels?? You're a young guy, your levels can't be any higher naturally.
What!? Really? Maybe that's why I thought why it never made a HUGE difference to me..
Been reading few people's journal - NorwegianDJ, MindGamez, BPH and I must say that situation in India seems to be a lot different than there. Girls are lot less(good looking ones) and having sex at young age is really considered kind of taboo. And you cant enter the clubs alone at same rate as couples. You've to pay higher rates to enter single. Also, the girls there mostly come with their boyfriends...
Atleast that's the situation in my city..
Also I found a superb website!
That website is really superb. I've liked it on facebook so that I get to read every post they make!