I just realised getting into this nofap business, the merits of it all.
I've done nofap before, if only for a few weeks. But not before I had reached the power level that I'm at now. I weigh a good solid 87 kg / 190 lbs, I just had a 1yr relationship with Ms. Psychodrama (came out relatively unscathed imo), and I noticed after I had put on some muscle, and learned some game from ms. Psychodrama, that the girls I was picking up for ONS's out on the street were suddenly 10x sluttier than before. All of a sudden they were slapping themselves in the face with my schlong, sucking on my balls, doing ATM, lol. My girl would maybe suck me off and then quickly wash her face so I couldn't see the artwork, lol.
So now I'm on to nofap. Even if only to learn how to control over my penis, so I don't chase my d*ck back to my ex.
So I'm in a new phase of my life. I've seen the perils, the pitfalls women can lead a man into. The opposite side of the spectrum. So I realise now, that not all that glitters is gold.
This new perspective allows me to more clearly see the benefits of nofap.
Nofap enhances my narc abilities even further. Being fully charged on sexual essence and yet not letting yourself be ruled by it just gives you so much power.
It's not hard to narc a ***** when you're on nofap. You tell the ***** what you want. She will respect you for it. She will show gratitude. Mission accomplished. If she doesn't appreciate the message then I suppose it's not a match.
With nofap you also become a bit more grounded. You have control over your orgasm, you're not ruled by your penis. You let the energy charge you and you become energized. Horny but energized with a good dose of self-control over your urges. This makes it easy to simply tell girls what you want. Your sex drive is on max. Your self-control is on max. It's almost like you're learning to harness the power of the creative energies of the universe (actually I think this is somewhat true. Sperm contains the same creative essence which causes the universe to expand today. Sperm is creation.)
- Sorry for the badly compiled message I'm really tired so can't format it into a smaller message -
I've done nofap before, if only for a few weeks. But not before I had reached the power level that I'm at now. I weigh a good solid 87 kg / 190 lbs, I just had a 1yr relationship with Ms. Psychodrama (came out relatively unscathed imo), and I noticed after I had put on some muscle, and learned some game from ms. Psychodrama, that the girls I was picking up for ONS's out on the street were suddenly 10x sluttier than before. All of a sudden they were slapping themselves in the face with my schlong, sucking on my balls, doing ATM, lol. My girl would maybe suck me off and then quickly wash her face so I couldn't see the artwork, lol.
So now I'm on to nofap. Even if only to learn how to control over my penis, so I don't chase my d*ck back to my ex.
So I'm in a new phase of my life. I've seen the perils, the pitfalls women can lead a man into. The opposite side of the spectrum. So I realise now, that not all that glitters is gold.
This new perspective allows me to more clearly see the benefits of nofap.
Nofap enhances my narc abilities even further. Being fully charged on sexual essence and yet not letting yourself be ruled by it just gives you so much power.
It's not hard to narc a ***** when you're on nofap. You tell the ***** what you want. She will respect you for it. She will show gratitude. Mission accomplished. If she doesn't appreciate the message then I suppose it's not a match.
With nofap you also become a bit more grounded. You have control over your orgasm, you're not ruled by your penis. You let the energy charge you and you become energized. Horny but energized with a good dose of self-control over your urges. This makes it easy to simply tell girls what you want. Your sex drive is on max. Your self-control is on max. It's almost like you're learning to harness the power of the creative energies of the universe (actually I think this is somewhat true. Sperm contains the same creative essence which causes the universe to expand today. Sperm is creation.)
- Sorry for the badly compiled message I'm really tired so can't format it into a smaller message -