Everyone gets hurt at some point, everyone suffers humiliation, life isn't easy, only the strongest pull through it. In your life there will be low points and high points, embrace all of those points and when you see the ship starting to stray off course, then take control and steer that ship back on course.
Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to solve anything mate. You need to focus on the bigger picture and that's their is far more to life than just women. I'm not saying don't bother with women, but understand that not all men are going to be great with women. I'm not great with women, I'm experienced enough to know that whilst sex is great, being airborne is far greater. I'm experienced enough to know that is a human urge to want to companionship, to want someone to love, have sex with, etc, it's ingrained in our human genetics. It's what we are born to do, it's our main purpose in life. Yet, that urge should never dictate your entire existence, that urge should never put you in harms way, if it does then stand back, pick up the pieces and start all over again.
Never be frightened to fail, for it is a better to try and fail then to never try at all. Also not every woman is bad, there are a lot of great women out there, some of whom who go through the same struggle as you, to find someone decent to be with. That's just life mate, just roll with the punches and try and not obsess with things that you cannot control. Remember you can control a change of events or the things around you, but you can control how you react to these changes.
You're not in a good way at the moment and you need to pull yourself over the parapet and march onwards. You're only young at the moment and seven years ago, when I was your age I felt the same way as you do now, but fast forward six years, I am different person - never let anyone define who you are, you should know who you are, you should be able to define who you are.
Self-improvement is always necessary, when we strive to become better people, we become naturally more assured and that generates a higher level of self-esteem which in turn gives us a higher level of confidence. Humans are at their happiest when they are confident. People are naturally drawn to confidence people. Confidence is not the be and end all of problems with humans, but it's a start.
What I would advise you to do is sit down with a notepad and a pencil, split your page into two sections.
Label one half of the paper, "strengths" and then label the other half of the paper "weakness".
Jot down what you believe your strengths are, i.e are you in good physical shape, are you a considerate, well-mannered person etc and then write your weaknesses down i.e. bitter, lonely, lacking confidence.
When you have done that, focus on your weaknesses and start to try and improve on them. If you don't have a satisfactory social life, then work on it, you must have friends, so try and see them more often. If you lack any hobbies, then search for a hobby that might be of interest you. Just do that, it's not the end of your problems, but at least you'll be putting effort in to try and change your situation. Understand that a change in person is an ardous task and it isn't easy, you might not see instant results, but don't let that dishearten you. Every human has a great amount of potential, it is down to you to achieve that potential. The better quality of person you are, the better quality of person you'll attract, that's as true of friends as it is of women. If you are a jerk with deep-seated emotional issues, then you will draw in the same type of person both in terms of male friends and in terms of women. If you are a decent person with a healthy attitude and mindset you'll attract people in the same boat as you.