crackhead: The very fact that you even THOUGHT of cheating on yout gf ( and dont give me any BULLSH!T that you were not intending to if you had the chance), just that thought makes u unworthy of having this girl what u are with atm... You are a fake, and so are your "feelings" to your gf... What in the WORLD possesed you to want to get with other girls? You obviously have no clue what love is... All can say, is that i feel sorry for the girl that you are with now, and i'll feel more sorry for her when you break her heart one day, because that WILL happen, i garantee it.
You mentioned something about "the chick isnt hot enough to leave for my gf" .... WTF?!? You have been with this girl for a YEAR and you are now just sticking with her till a different "better" girl comes along? then what? what happens when u DO find that "better" girl? U'll just leave your gf and break her heart? If i were u, i would do the BOTH of u a favour, and tell your gf that u just dont think that u wnt to be in a relationship with her anymore etc etc... and seeing as though the 2 of you have been togeather for a year, i would suggest that breaking up with would be more respectfull after a nice dinner wit her or wateva... DO IT NOW BEFORE IT GETS EVEN MORE SERIOUS AND U BREAK HER HEART EVEN MORE! Your fg deserves a better bf than u, and u KNOW it!
I'm on my way out so i have to cut this short, but all i can say is that you need to come straight with your gf about you wanting to be able to get with other girls, and everything else that u have done wrong towards her, and when she dumps you, take it like a man, because you will be getting exactly what u deserve!
I am not trying to run you down, i'm trying to wake you up and show you what you are doing, and telling you that it needs to come to a stop!