Really impressive post. The way you structure the conversation and later use your comfort phase to get to know relevant things about the girl is really impressive.
I can thing of at least of a few examples of girls where I got past what you call the connection phase and couldn't get the excitement right because I didn't pay enough attention on the girl's interests and values.
I cannot apply your tactic as it is, since I prefer to be honest when I can afford it. Also I'm a bad lier and I'm interested in smart girls, so I simply can't get away with it even if I try.

Still most of the things you say are very powerful.
4)What brings you here?
Find out her motives for being there. She'll probably lie, however, but it will also allow for a good transition to the 'connection' section.
She'l lie, but what she will essentially tell you is the reason she thinks is acceptable for being here. When I later give her back the same reason it's like telling her "Yeah, right, I totally buy that. Do you?

". That is if she's smart - if she isn't she'll simply believe me and think that I'm a nicer person than her.
For example, if the woman says she loves to go skiing, you could say "Awww, get out of here! Skiing is awesome. What is it that you like about it?" She'll have to THINK about skiing (something that she really likes) to tell you about it. Ask her how it feels when she is racing down the mountain. She will give you MORE information that you have to remember. So if she says, it feels like I am FREE, then you know she values FREEDOM. Give her that.
If she does not give an activity I'm interested in I won't tell her I love it, but instead use "Wow, that sounds amazing, I've always wanted to try that. What's it like?" (I'm actually open to try most things, so it's true) I even use weaker phrasing, just enough to get her talking. I can later use that as justification of interest (she convinced me to try something new), as transition to excitement by imaginining doing it sometime (it makes perfect sense to try it for the first time with her since she convinced me to do it) and as a bridge to a future date.
"Only once in my life can I remember a time when I REALLY hit it off with a woman I met at a bar. Can you remember a time when you just met somebody, but you can feel deep inside, that this guy isn't just another guy. There is something about him that makes you feel really comfortable and you can actually picture a future with this guy? It's as if you've known him for years. Now with me, I think that kind of connection is so rare, but ultimately I think that is the type of deep connection that we are all looking for"
Totally wrong in my book. It's lying to her, it demonstrates values totally opposite to mine and I'm not actually certain it gives good results - chances are this emotion is linked to negative emotions from her last break-up. Is it field tested?
The principle is right however - evokes a positive emotion directed at you, not at the activity. I need to think of something like that.
And finally THIS is simply ingenious:
This is where you want to start getting more aggressive. Start talking about sex. Start asking her to pick out the hottest guy in the room. If she asks why, just say you're curious about her taste in men. I'm sure she'll ask you to pick out the hottest girl. Pick out a girl and tell her the things you'd like to do to her. She might be a little confused by this, but again, be descriptive and let her imagine what you want to do with the girls.
It conveys all the right messages. Most guys will never try to direct her attention at another guy. This demonstrates total confidence. And then later you pick a girl reminding her there are other hot girls around. AND after all the power has shifted from her to you transition into sexual talk and make her want you.
Thumbs up