Seducing women with your eyes..


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
dude, calm down, I never said this syht would make or break your game, I never even said it was important, did you read my post? I said get your mind in the right state and your eyes will do whatever they need to do to represent that state.

human interactions aren't quantifiable that's why it says AS MUCH AS 70%.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
honestly I dont care what you guys do. 300+ people have read this thread so far and if left undisputed how many would consider this true advice. Go back and read the original post. Better yet I'll re-post it:

I just noticed that when youre talking to a chick with your eyes half way open is more effective than with your eyes OPEN?

Is this a good way of seducing women?

Share your experiences
In my experiences when you worry so much and try so hard you lose. Instead of wasting time trying to qualify yourself go ahead and utilize that time to improve yourself. Do you care about the position of your eyelids when you talk to a girl if you know you have 3 more as back-ups?

human interactions aren't quantifiable that's why it says AS MUCH AS 70%.
You really dont understand what quantifiable means. It basically means trying to define a definitive output per given input. Otherwise claiming a specific number of successes to failures, in other words defining success numerically with a given function or model. Anyone who actually field tests their theories will be the first to admit that they cannot be held up to a specific standard. Different demographics and different deliveries yield different outcomes. The function is far from linear.

This goes against the basic principles of the bible and that is the basis of this forum. To many folks have been asking and replying to questions on here without reading the bible. This gives many of the lurkers a false perception of what a DJ is and in turn gives us all a bad name. To many of these people get turned off by the advice on her which rarely has much to do with the advice given in the bible anyways.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for posting the original post that was nice of you, saved me looking.

In my experiences when you worry so much and try so hard you lose.
The guy wasn't worrying he just 'noticed' something.

Do you care about the position of your eyelids when you talk to a girl if you know you have 3 more as back-ups?
I don't, it comes naturally as a result of what I'm thinking at the time.

You really don't understand what quantifiable means. It basically means trying to define a definitive output per given input. Otherwise claiming a specific number of successes to failures, in other words defining success numerically with a given function or model. Anyone who actually field tests their theories will be the first to admit that they cannot be held up to a specific standard. Different demographics and different deliveries yield different outcomes. The function is far from linear.
okay perhaps you can't put a number on it, maybe it's 60% maybe it's 70% or even 10%. Either way I think body language is important. I could approach a girl and say all the right things but if I said it in a squeaky geeky voice and was looking at the walls, not smiling etc.. it probably wouldn't work unless she was into that kind of thing. If you like it or not you do think about this stuff every time you talk to someone it all happens in the subconscious just as I can drive a car without thinking about it.

the guy who posted this wasn't saying "I'm meeting a girl tonight how should I use my eyes?", he just noticed something.

Thanks for informing me about what quantifiable means that was nice of you.

This goes against the basic principles of the bible and that is the basis of this forum.
using your eyes for communication?

This gives many of the lurkers a false perception of what a DJ is and in turn gives us all a bad name.
That's nice that you care about the lurkers
and what they think

To many of these people get turned off by the advice on her which rarely has much to do with the advice given in the bible anyways.
what do you know about these lurkers? how many have been turned off? can you quantify it?


honestly tho, I think you're caring too much the guy that posted this wasn't worried, he just noticed something. And the lurkers you know nothing about yet you still care about what they think.



Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
you think what you think, I think what I think. I cannot complain about my methods and if you are happy with yours than keep them up.

Yes I am considerate of lurkers and those of different skill levels from myself. Reading most of the first time threads on here it is obvious that few actually have read the bible and have only taken advice from the board. Sorry but what I say that goes against the bible is based on field experiences. This whole post is just hearsay. Should any lurkers or newbies be aware that this is not the basic premise of this site? Of course. I'm not here to discourage. When the polar opposite of the basic philosophy is being preached I feel that calling it out as blasphemy is condoned.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by bobbob
You both spend way too much damn time in front of mirrors ...
Interesting, I've never heard of women being called mirrors before... ;)

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by bobbob
It's hard to explain but the times I've noticed eye contact being most effective is when you're looking in a girl's eyes and you're kind of conveying with your eyes that you're sharing a secret...
This is true, what's even better is when you look into their eyes and they tell you that they feel as if you already know their secrets. ;)

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by belividere
this is great advice. Concentrate on keeping your eyes half closed. This way when you finally decide to open them you can watch the girl you've been interested in walking off with another guy.
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by belividere
Your mouth can actually say a lot more though
Only when your foot isn't in it... ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Have you ever heard the old saying "Eyes are the window to one's soul"?

I believe it has merit. One can gain a plethora of information by observing eyes. Eyes communicate in a primitive way: they were doing this way before we decided to use our mouths for language.

Eyes have a very difficult time lying. You can usually tell, with practice, if someone is lying to you based on their eyes. You can also tell if their interested.

First step is that if a woman is making eye contact with you, she's listening to you.

Second step is that if her gaze is focused mainly on you, she's interested in you.

Third step is that if she is throwing quick glances to the floor, she is so interested in you she's worried about what she should say next.

If she is looking to the sides, behind you, or turning her head a lot, she is not interested in you. At this point you should stop wasting your time and say your goodbyes.

Eyes are also a great way to get a dance at a club. Many a time I have just looked a girl from across the floor in the eyes and motioned for her to come across to me, and if works more often than not.


P.S. Squinting when you talk to someone just makes you look like you need glasses.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
This is a rubbish theory, if it were true Asians wouldn't have so much trouble pulling as they do.

If you think squinting alone will get you laid, you need to a reality check.

What I know for a fact is what drives women crazy is to gently rub your LEFT ear lobe as you talk to them. Do it slowly with a slight tilt of the head.

This method has been kept very secret but I think more and more people have heard of it's power and are finding it works pretty much every time. I think David D. has it in his next video Subliminal Seduction.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alpine
This is a rubbish theory, if it were true Asians wouldn't have so much trouble pulling as they do.

If you think squinting alone will get you laid, you need to a reality check.

What I know for a fact is what drives women crazy is to gently rub your LEFT ear lobe as you talk to them. Do it slowly with a slight tilt of the head.

This method has been kept very secret but I think more and more people have heard of it's power and are finding it works pretty much every time. I think David D. has it in his next video Subliminal Seduction.


A tenner says that at least one person who read that is gonna go out and try it tomorrow :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I have been doing nothing but making eye contact for the last week.

It is awesome when a goodlookng sexy girl locks eyes with you.

I find typically either a girl will lock eyes with me or she will quickly avert her eyes to the ground.

Sometimes the real confident *****y type of women will keep her eyes level but not look at you. I take that as a definite no interests sign.

But there is nothing like making eye contact with a good looking girl and saying hi!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Ricky
I have been doing nothing but making eye contact for the last week.

It is awesome when a goodlookng sexy girl locks eyes with you.

I find typically either a girl will lock eyes with me or she will quickly avert her eyes to the ground.

Sometimes the real confident *****y type of women will keep her eyes level but not look at you. I take that as a definite no interests sign.

But there is nothing like making eye contact with a good looking girl and saying hi!
Eye contact is a powerful thing when used with other DJ skills, isn't it?


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
Originally posted by Ted,JustAdmitIt
A tenner says that at least one person who read that is gonna go out and try it tomorrow :D

And you know what, if they don't twig, it just might work.

What the thinker thinks, the prover proves.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Eye contact is very important. Many of the women I seduce admit that my "bedroom" eyes were a major part of my appeal. It is essential to seduction.

Practicing eye communication is also very addictive. One problem I have is when I am out on a date. I have trouble not engaging other women in flirty eye contact. I know its disrespectful and inappropriate, but I have trouble resisting my instincts, especially if the another women is really hot. I don't stare obviously, but when I pass or my date is not looking, I lock on until I get a response. Even old ladies get to experience my visual kino just to amuse myself. Strange but true.

I should probably go out on dates less and just hang inside or with friends with those I've already seduced because of this problem. Sometimes other women will seriously check you out blantantly in front of your date. Avoid engaging in serious EC in these cases. The woman you are with will notice their actions and it really turns them as long as you don't acknowledge other's attentions. Otherwise, she'll think you aren't very interested in her which might be the case.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
This is true, what's even better is when you look into their eyes and they tell you that they feel as if you already know their secrets. ;)
A nice trick to get your eye contact conveying the right message is to imagine the woman has on no or kinky underwear. Then look at her like you know it when you lock on and smile. Don't be creepy and gawk and don't look at her body as this is a turn off. Women love that devilish twinkle in your eye. Sometimes you'd be suprised to find out that your imagination was actually right.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
yes. with your eyes alone youshould be able to tell a girl that she is attractive and that she can trust you.
