Seducing a friend


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Hi everyone, looking for some advice. You see I've found myself in the friends category with a women recently who showed blatant signs in the past that she liked me. But somewhere along the lines, I failed to show enough romantic interest with her, and although we still seem to be flirty, I'm in a zone I really don't want to be in with her.

First question is what do you do to show romantic interest to someone you're close to but have also known for a long time?

So I've changed my attitude with her, moving from being a nice guy to being a lot more teasy. I've also read that a good idea is to try to make her jealous by spending more time with other women...

The problem is I don't seem to be getting much opportunity to meet people. I rarely go out nowadays, and when I do, I just seem to be stuck in a room full of blokes drinking. I've tried speed dating, but although I got matches, noone got back to my messages. That leads to my second question, how can someone in my kind of situation effectively meet people?

Thanks for your help in advance...


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il

you need to figure out WHO and what you want to be in this life..then go for the women.

on this quest to finding may find this friend of yours likes the changes :)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Okay this is how you meet people...

you go out side and approach someone in a friendly manner and start conversing!

Do i hear a WOW from you!? YES IT'S THAT SIMPLE!

Now to answer your questions in a proper manner!

First question is what do you do to show romantic interest to someone you're close to but have also known for a long time?

Don't act like a friend to her... it's as simple as that and it seems to me that you know how to do that since according to what you wrote up there, she was showing blatant signs! Meaning that you already posess the neccessary mindset to accomplish what you desire!

That leads to my second question, how can someone in my kind of situation effectively meet people?

Unless you're living in a cave in the middle of the bermuda triangle, i dont see why your situation is tarnishing your meeting people. PEOPLE ARE EVERYWHERE! All it takes is just a couple of minutes whilst on your way to the shops, movies, work, from work, etc. It seems that you might be making excuses up... or just laziness, which is just a title to hide from the fact that you're just not applying yourself..

anyways i hope that brought some light in... :D



Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by OklyDokly
Hi everyone, looking for some advice. You see I've found myself in the friends category with a women recently who showed blatant signs in the past that she liked me. But somewhere along the lines, I failed to show enough romantic interest with her, and although we still seem to be flirty, I'm in a zone I really don't want to be in with her.

First question is what do you do to show romantic interest to someone you're close to but have also known for a long time?

So I've changed my attitude with her, moving from being a nice guy to being a lot more teasy. I've also read that a good idea is to try to make her jealous by spending more time with other women...

The problem is I don't seem to be getting much opportunity to meet people. I rarely go out nowadays, and when I do, I just seem to be stuck in a room full of blokes drinking. I've tried speed dating, but although I got matches, noone got back to my messages. That leads to my second question, how can someone in my kind of situation effectively meet people?

Thanks for your help in advance...

Well the best thing for you to do is stop the fu*king teasing and get serious with her. If she's really your friend she will respect you for telling her the truth-that you are not content with being just her friend.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Hi thanks for your replies.

The thing that's confusing me here is that she told me once when she was a little pissed with me that I shouldn't have had any reason to misread her. Her signals however seemed blatant to me however - staring deeply into my eyes, linking arms, sitting arse to arse next to me etc. I think an ex-boyfriend might have come back into her life around that time though.

Also it doesn't seem so easy to just go out in the streets alone and talk to people. In this country (UK) there's a traditional reserve which means strangers don't tend to talk to each other, other than in bars and club and other places where people go to socialise. I dunno, maybe I'm wrong though, just worry that people might see me as a bit weird doing these things by myself.

Lost In the Seas

Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Hong Kong
no freeman it doesn't work at all, you can't change a friend into your sex buddy or gf by telling her that you have feelings towards her, in fact that's the most important rule, never TELL her how you feel, words are cheap, you have hands, use actions of interest such as kino. Telling her how you feel will NEVER change the way she feels about you, she may be happy and simile knowing there is an AFC that wants her, but she will NOT like you back. I know it's cruel and brutal how girls' mind work, but it's just like that :(

teasing is fine, but only when done sufficiently, the problem is most guys tease way too much and harshly without knowing it thinking it's flirtty and girls get the signs that you are interested in her, but too much may result the opposite effect!!! I had that problem once too, just watch what you are saying and cut back the neg hits and tease


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Seducing a friend

Originally posted by Freeman
Well the best thing for you to do is stop the fu*king teasing and get serious with her. If she's really your friend she will respect you for telling her the truth-that you are not content with being just her friend.

WHOA never do that. Confessing ur feelings to a girl is a big mistake 9 times out of 10.

Best thing for you to do is start flirting with her. You need to get her thinking about sex when she is around you cuz then she will associate you with those desires.

Start off slow if you don't usually flirt with her, so it doesnt seem like a huge change in your personality.

Teasing is good too, make sure you mix it up. Teasing makes her a little self concious and then flirt with her and she will feel good, girls love those ups and downs.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Oh well it's too late


she's just phoned her ex, and arranged to get back together with him. Funny thing is I was her helping hand, telling her that she shouldn't be so nervous about these things.

Nice guy syndrome I suppose...

and I'm sick of it, I'm now really beginning to acknowledge how much I have to change! :s