seduce every woman...


New Member
Dec 10, 2005
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Im trying to figure something out maybe u guys can lend ur opinions.

I understand that socializing and being sociable with every woman you encounter is a must do but do you try to seduce each of these women even slightly?

I find that if i dont want to have sex with a girl i talk to her as if she was a 0 out of 10, Sure im friendly but i dont bring sexuality into the interaction. I see lotsa guys out there who flirt with every girl they see and it seems like even though they know that they dont even care about screwing the girl they try to tease her, just to let her know that they are better than her.

My question is do these 6's and 7's that i talk to asexualy find me unattractive because i speak to them non-sexually??? Is it critical for every woman to see me as a sexual being?

I geuss im naturaly inclined to think im so much better than these girls that ive never considered how i appear in their eyes.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
my opinion is that if you act superior (yet not arrogant) and you have an high charisma, they'll always look at you has a superior.
Anyway, I always flirt with every girl at least with my eyes. It might come handy :D
And I think that that charisma only comes when you have every girl at least slightly intrested in you, cuz if they do, whatever you say and you wish is their command (cuz if you're in a group of girls thay are always competing with each otehrs for you and so they try to please you in every way possible :D )

but that's just my opinion dud

you should not let those bastards make you think you're wrong and make you start acting in a way you don't want to.
Maybe they're just desperate to get laid and you're not.

hope that helps


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Do comedians try and make everyone laugh?

Some do. Some don't. Its really your choice how you want to act. Some think that you have to live your whole life in the mode ...some turn it on and off as needed.

I think those unattractive women would be good practice though if you are starting out.