3countriesPlan said:
Screw all the people still dissing Hitler and the nazis, ya you can expect their names to be dragged through the mud after they lost but fvck guys its 2010 and about 95% of the nazis are dead as are the people who fought against them. Wow keep smearing the nazis names.. we have lame ass movies like the quentin tarantino flick, that tom cruise one, and a bunch of people who still hate Hitler. HEY D1CKHEADS hes been dead longer than most of your fathers have been alive! This is some pvssy sh1t if all the American media can bash these days is the nazis.. how about turning the focus to Islam and all the crazy imams? We haven't had a movie with a arab ter.rorist since 911 because they are now a protected group (how come they get protected after taking down the WTC?) Now suddenly the new bad guys are nazis.. come on hollywood have the nerve to bash on those causing CURRENT problems.
Nazis are an easy target,you can bash them easily as much as you want without any conseguence,if you bash those imams you're gonna face them because they are still alive and all the politically correct crew with them.
Bashing the nazi give you some kind of approval even if those crazies as you said were dead even before our fathers were born,this way you show that you are a nice guy who believe in equality.
Whenever you need a bad guy pick a nazi,it work for movies or for ad hominem on other posters in forum,if you're talking with someone who's overwhelming you just call him a nazi and turn the table.
This is just an other demostration of how the average citizen is a dvmbass who can be easily manipulated from mass media.
And about Hitler who cares if we was white,black or brown? He was a sick man,he was the Sodini of politics and he didn't even killed as much people as Stalin,he is just more famous because of media.
And whatever they discover about him,his followers won't stop to see him as some kind of leader,it needs some intelligence to review his own thinking.
One more question,do the killed jews are worth more that the eastern european ones? it seems like that no one care about killed people here during Stalin times.