Here's the thing this article is trying to get across that I think is mired down in this forum-mess.
Newtonian physics work well enough in 99.99% of situations, enough that we can rely on them. But if we try to build theories based on them, sooner or later we find "holes" in our conclusions...things that are soundly based on our accepted principles but just DON'T WORK for whatever reason.
If we, in our vanity, refuse to accept the possibility that the theories we found our conclusions on may be in error, assuming that something is amiss with the universe instead, then we may NEVER discover the truth. We'll have something that "usually works", but every now and then we'll feel kind of empty because we know that we're working with something that doesn't make sense to us. Deep down, we're working with as close a "truth" as we could get, but it's still a lie.
If, however, we open ourselves to the possibility that we DON'T know everything, that maybe there is another way to get the same results, maybe a companion-theory, or maybe an entirely different way of looking at things, then we essentially "make room" in our minds for possibilities to manifest, similar to what Einstein did with his "thought experiments". And it's only when we make this room and accept the QUESTION into our mind that we can be INSPIRED to the answer.
Too many people want ANSWERS, but refuse to allow QUESTIONS into their minds. Questions are just spaces for the answers to manifest.
Here's the OTHER catch...even when we DO get inspired toward an answer, we have to remember that we have only discovered/can only understand this perspective we have witnessed on the true "form"...we shouldn't make the same mistake of taking this inspiration to be a complete revelation and start trying to INDOCTRINATE others. Even Einstein is guilty of this...even after E=MC^2 and relativity, he refuses to accept the possibility of a finite universe, i.e. a "Big Bang". Nor does Einstein address what has been observed at the "very small", the level of Quantum Physics. Relativity doesn't seem to reconcile with this. (this reconciliation, the so-called "Theory of Everything", is one of the great scientific pursuits of our era)
So how does this factor into the abstract, as in the article?
What is "happiness"?
You ask me, I have one definition. Ask another person, they may have another. For some, happiness is having finished a task/accomplished an objective. For others, happiness is starting a new task. Some enjoy success. Others enjoy the learning that comes with failure. Some people are low-risk, some are high-risk.
What's worse, happiness isn't always the same thing(s) for the same person(s) from day to day. One day, you can be excited as hell to take on a new challenge. The next day, it may seem tedious or even frightening.
We all want to DISCOVER what makes us happy. Yet, once we think we have DISCOVERED what makes us happy, we INDOCTRINATE ourselves according to our discovery, resulting in us being driven to tasks that may not even result in happiness. Worse, sometimes we get INDOCTRINATED in "ways of happiness" by other people. We end up chasing cars, clothes, or women, hoping that these things will make US happy because they made OTHERS happy.
Maybe we attain some satisfaction as a result, but it's always a little hollow, as we discover that the feeling of "bliss" we expected as a result of our external or self INDOCTRINATION may not really BE "bliss" for us. Pride, maybe...but not necessarily happiness.
That's because TRUE happiness comes from DISCOVERY, not INDOCTRINATION. You have to OPEN yourself to it, decide that you are willing to make space in your heart to be happy. You can't decide, "THIS will make me happy", go force yourself to do it, and then be happy. No...to find something like love or happiness, your mind has to be OPEN...it has to be in the DISCOVERY process, not following an INDOCTRINATION.
You can tell the difference between someone who is doing something because they are DISCOVERING happiness and someone who is doing something because they are INDOCTRINATED to believe that it will give them happiness. Those who are DISCOVERING happiness are guided by the constant connection to the "form"...this allows them to build, rebuild, and continually adjust their image and direction in life to bring them the maximum joy. That joy can be SHARED with others, as well, because in reality, there is only one "form of happiness", and none of us can lay claim to it, but all can be inspired by it in different ways, DISCOVER pieces of it that may lead us in similar or COMPLETELY different directions. (like the blind men discovering the elephant) But we all share in that discovery. Someone who is following an indoctrination, however, can't SEE the form...they have their piece of the puzzle and they try to force others, through education, persuasion, force, whatever, that their view is the ONLY correct one. Often they go off in one direction, losing touch with what it was they were originally seeking, and then are the first to complain when they don't find it. "Life is unfair! I followed my bliss and it led me to this hollow emptiness".
This is why Zen hates to call itself a "religion"...its purpose is not to describe what it means to "love" or to "be happy" in life. Rather, it says, "don't ask me...look for yourself!" I don't need to give this to YOU to feel validated in my own righteousness, nor do you need to receive it from ME to feel validated in yours. It's right there...we can SHARE it.
So ask yourself while you're at it..."what is LOVE??"
Baby don't hurt me....
No, but really.
Isn't that what we're looking for here?
The chump despairs...he does not want to "discover love", he wants love to be given to him. He follows the indoctrination of others...usually his mother or some other figure of authority. He does what he sees from his parents, other grown-ups, or what he sees on TV. He may make some meager progress...if he's lucky, he may have relationships. But he doesn't know "love". He hasn't discovered it. All he knows is what he's been taught to know...and somehow, for either him or those he "loves", it just doesn't feel right.
The "Juan"...he decides that he's going to figure it out. He observes how those who appear romance-savvy interact, finds out what THEY believe. He may ask them, "what's your secret"? From them, he gets the answer, "just be yourself". Good enough for the successful...they have opened themselves to DISCOVERING romance. To the "Juan", it's not good enough. He's still looking for a new system of INDOCTRINATION to tell him what to do. He starts analyzing those who are successful in romance, isolates traits, and IMITATES them. It works...so he develops a system and INDOCTRINATES himself with that system. He then proceeds to INDOCTRINATE others, taking pride when others are successful with HIS system.
Yet the "Juan" doesn't feel LOVE from this. The women...he's only fooling them. He develops disdain for the women because they "buy his act" and he develops disdain for himself because he knows...he KNOWS deep down that he still doesn't get it...it's just an act. He does everything the "good guys" do, but women eventually see through it and want nothing more to do with him. Love for the "Juan" is a continual cycle of doing the same thing and expecting different results...for some, the definition of "insanity". Maybe this time when he "runs this game" on this girl or that girl, he will finally CONNECT with her. Not a chance.
Maybe sooner or later, he starts to realize that maybe "love" and "romance" aren't things that he has the language to describe. You can have a lengthy verbal discussion over the merits of "justice" in Plato's Republic. You can use mathematics to discuss the nature of gravity and the universe. But there is NO language to describe what "love" is.
So how does one understand love without language? Poets have tried forever, in volumes upon volumes of sappy nonsense that disgusts our masculine nature and defies what we see in real-life.
Simple...we open our eyes. We accept that maybe the problem isn't "love" being all screwed up, but maybe what we've been TAUGHT, or what we've taught OURSELVES about love, might be a little screwed up.
Instead of trying to find the right definition of or procedure for "love" and "romance"...maybe we just need to ask the right questions...and wait.
It's a fact, at least for me, that the BEST time for me when I came to this forum was not when I stuffed my head full of all of this Don-Juan crap, but when my EXISTING understanding was brought into QUESTION. When that happens, the mind goes back into DISCOVERY-mode. You make enough room in your mind to question everything you've ever learned, and maybe, if you're lucky enough, you get a glimpse of the light you're seeking, enough to start to build NEW ideas in your mind. But inspiration must be maintained, or our castles become our prisons.
No, THE ideal is not the problem. OUR ideal is the problem. Lao Tzu says the key to happiness is to be able to "act without laying claim". This is the connection to the "divine"...when we lay claim to it, we cut it off from its source like a grape from the vine. This serves to nourish us for as long as it stays fresh, but after a while, our ideas start to rot and we need to go back to the vine to renew them.
Otherwise, we all sit on a big pile of rot...and if we refuse to re-open our minds, we end up preaching that rot to others who want no part of it.
THAT is "religion". THAT is the "ideal" that J-S is preaching disregard for, that Aristotle preaches disregard for. THAT "ideal" stands between what is "real"...manifested in our world...and what is "true"...the source of inspiration and discovery.